Alberta mother fights to keep child on marijuana treatment that quells seizures

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Province seeks court order to force child back on to prescription drugs

An Edmonton-area mother is challenging an attempt by the Alberta government to legally bar her four-year-old daughter from receiving a marijuana treatment the mother says has successfully quelled her daughter's debilitating epileptic seizures.

"I feel violated and bullied to take away the one thing that gives her a life," the mother told CBC News.

Neither she nor her daughter can be identified under a provincial law that forbids the identification of any child involved with Alberta Child and Family Services.

The mother will be in court today seeking to strike the province's application for a supervision order, which would stop the woman from giving her child cannabidiol. It contains no psychoactive agent, which means it doesn't alter brain functions such as perception and mood.

If the province's application is successful, the mother would be required to resume using...

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