The Civilized Guide To Cannabis Thanksgiving

If you're living in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington or DC, you can show your thankfulness for legalization this Thursday with a cannabis Thanksgiving feast. We've put together a full menu of THC-infused cuisine. But don't feel the need to go overboard by making the whole spread!

The Main Event

Normally we'd start with an appetizer. But turkey is the centerpiece of an American Thanksgiving feast, so let's begin with how to baste your bird in garlic cannabutter:


Turkey's the main attraction, but your table will look pretty sparse without a supporting cast of side dishes. Let's start filling your plate with THC-infused stuffing.

Now add some delicious cannabis cranberry sauce. (Note: takes two days to prepare!) 

Get some veggies in there with green bean casserole (with extra greens):

And don't forget the potatoes. You can make them smashed and roasted potatoes with herbs...and herb: 

Or if you prefer mashed...

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