Did You Know The U.S. Supreme Court 'Legalized' Marijuana In 1969?

By now, most pro-cannabis activists are familiar with how marijuana went from being a legal plant used by our founding fathers and settlers moving west, to an illegal drug on the Schedule 1 list.

Not much different than today, early Americans used cannabis as medicine, and hemp for its numerous industrial applications such as clothing, wagon covers, rope and paper. George Washington was a hemp farmer after all; cannabis is deeply rooted in our country's history.

Then things got weird in the first half of the 20th century. Marijuana suddenly became public enemy number one and was linked to racial smear campaigns. A concerted effort led by Harry Anslinger to make cannabis out to be the bad guy led to the now infamous film Reefer Madness, ultimately resulting in the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 (also known as the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937).


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