Dr. Know: Contaminated Cannabis

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Can you smoke danger zone weed?

There are warnings about eating food grown in the danger zones in Portland near glass factories. I live near one. Can I smoke the weed I grew in my backyard last summer?
—Urban Farmer

Having nearly been purged in the Great Fluoride Pogrom of 2014 (aka Crestallnacht), I'm reluctant to wade too deeply into any new mineral-based civic controversies, but what the hell. #yolo

First, the bad news: Contamination of cannabis with toxic metals like lead and arsenic is a real thing. In fact, heshers who Google "marijuana" and "heavy metal" in hopes of learning which strains are the dankest to shred on will find that the whole first page of results is about, like, cadmium and shit. (All osmium, no Ozzy.)

It gets worse! Cannabis, in keeping with its identity as the Earth First! activist of the plant world, actually goes out...

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