T&T Gov't examining decriminalising of marijuana

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PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) – The Trinidad and Tobago Government is examining the possibility of decriminalising marijuana and is reviewing existing legislation as well as planning wide consultation before adopting any position, Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi has said.

He told the Trinidad Guardian newspaper Monday that there has been “a full exercise of analysing the types of crime in our prisons and the pre-trials detention or remand statistics for a range of offences, including possession of narcotics, and particularly possession of cannabis.

“From that perspective there’s certainly a drive to gather statistical information, as the issue of decriminalising of marijuana isn’t a simple one on the public side.”

Al-Rawi told the newspaper that “if one were to argue for decriminalisation, the limits to be applied must be considered.

“Does one wish to have a bus driver or teacher who’s in the course of using narcotics, although decriminalised, on...

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