Canada: Jean Chretien Says Pot Possession Should Be Decriminalized

Jean Chretien says politicians have to adjust to changing times, as his own views on marijuana, capital punishment and other contentious issues evolved after he was first elected in the early 1960s.

Whether it's pot smoking, abortion, gay marriage or the death penalty, the former prime minister says he's tried to reflect the spirit of the times — even if his changing politics put him in conflict with his conservative upbringing in a large, Roman Catholic family in rural Quebec.

"What were certain values 50 years ago, are not the same today. We have to live with that. It's not always easy," he said.

When asked Monday about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's decision to legalize the sale of marijuana, Chretien said he is in favour of decriminalization.

"What is completely unacceptable, in my judgment, is a young man smoking marijuana will have a criminal record for the rest of his...

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