New Zealand: Cannabis Starts Great Town-Hall Conversation

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Key public figures are set to assemble at the Auckland Town Hall next week to host a public discussion on the impacts of cannabis laws in New Zealand communities.

The launch of the "Let's Start The Conversation" campaign - a national vehicle to create informed community discussion and debate around the impacts of current cannabis laws - kicks off on Monday, June 27th with a Town Hall Assembly in Auckland officially endorsed by Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and the New Zealand Criminal Bar Association.

Chaired by Russell Brown and featuring Helen Kelly, Professor Max Abbott (AUT), Warren Young (New Zealand Law Commission, Ret.), Dr. Chris Wilkins (Massey SHORE) and others, the event follows on from the Great Marijuana Debate chaired by the late Sir Peter Williams on 26th Oct 1984.

In the three decades since, New Zealand has seen some major progressions in law and human rights including; mental...

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