What Nurses Need to Know About Cannabis

Understanding the science behind the endogenous cannabinoid system.

As nurses, we are in a unique position. Not only do we advocate for our patients, we are active participants in each patient's experience of health and illness. As nurses, we share relevant information with patients-about their medical conditions, treatment options and ways of coping with both. 

Whether you work in one of the 25 states that allows the use of medical cannabis, work in one of the 17 states that has passed CBD-only laws, or work in a state that has no legislation at all, you need to understand the science behind the plant Cannabis sativa. Your patients deserve a nurse who is educated about the endogenous cannabinoid system (endocannabinoid system, or ECS) and how cannabis interacts with that system.  

A Personal Interest
I have specialized in oncology my entire nursing career.  I was already an experienced nurse when I...

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