High Stakes: Investing in a Legal Marijuana Business

Considering diversifying with a high-risk investment? Heard the lure of the “green rush” toward a possible $100 billion legal marijuana industry?

Before you write that check:

  • First, research the company, related persons, and the business, industry and legal risks.
  • Next,  if  you  decide  to  make  the  leap,  consider  having  legal  counsel  assist  you  in documenting your equity position.

Pressing escape or reboot can be difficult, after you have already signed documents. If you’re investing in a partnership or limited liability company, state law imposes default rules, unless you have an agreement modifying them. If the business — or you — fail to comply with the state’s rules on ownership and investors, the state regulator may impose penalties including cancellation or suspension of license and fines.

Have You Heard the Warnings From Regulators?

Be cautious. Do your own research. Consider the industry, company and business specific risks. Spot the...

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