How Headlines About Research On Marijuana, Sex And Pain Misled Readers

The headline ”Smoking marijuana provides more pain relief for men than women” has recently appeared on a number of websites. What message do you get when you read this headline? Does it mean that smoking marijuana makes the pain go away more for men than women? If that’s what you think, you’ve been misled by headlines about a recent study that is currently in press in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence

The research

Drs. Ziva D. Cooper and Margaret Haney at the Columbia University Medical Center combined the results from two studies to examine how men and women respond to pain after smoking marijuana. Both studies used double-blind, placebo-controlled, within subject designs. The men and women who participated in the studies were experienced marijuana users who reported smoking more than three joints a day at least four times a week for each of the four weeks before the study was carried out. All of the participants tested positive on...

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