Trump Tuesday: Stephen Colbert Skewers Donald Trump's 'Very Questionable Gandalf' Doctor

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Donald Trump and his allies have been questioning Hillary Clinton's health in recent days, but Trump's health is at least as much a mystery, Stephen Colbert said on Monday's Late Show. "I mean, he's got the kind of glow you can only get from being in top shape, or after vacationing at Chernobyl." All we really know about Trump's health is from a one-page note his physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, wrote last December, Colbert added, though "a note from his doctor should be enough — it's how he got out of Vietnam."

Still, Bornstein, who "looks like a very questionable Gandalf," did at least prove "he's a true gastroenterologist, cause the letter seems to be yanked from where the sun don't shine," Colbert said, highlighting the part that says Trump's "recent complete medical examination... showed only positive results." "Everybody knows positive results are always good," he deadpanned. "Blood pressure? Positive. Cholesterol?...

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