Show Us The Money: Canadian Government Can't Back Claims About Organized Crime

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The Canadian government claims that the black market for marijuana is essentially a cash buffet for organized crime. But the feds aren't offering numbers to backup their argument, so it's hard to tell if they're portrayal of the nation's illegal cannabis industry is realistic or simply hysterical rhetoric.

Earlier this month, Ralph Goodale -- Canada's Minister of Public Safety -- spoke to reporters in Saskatoon about marijuana legalization. Goodale is one of three ministers tasked with overseeing legalization, so his input on the matter is significant. While taking about the failure of prohibition, Minister Goodale reiterated the government's reasons for legalizing cannabis - namely, "to make marijuana less available to young people and to cut off the flow - literally billions of illegal money, that flows to organized crime every year.”

But those figures don't match current research on the relationship between organized crime and black market marijuana.


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