New Zealand: Taranaki Has a Say in National Petition Calling for Cannabis Law Reform

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Hemp would grow better than manuka on the rolling hills of Taranaki, a councillor says.

New Plymouth District Councillor Murray Chong was one of the 130 people in Taranaki to put his name on a national petition calling for Parliament to legalise marijuana for medicinal purposes.

"Venture Taranaki suggest manuka should be a bigger industry here, but what about hemp?" he said. "I think it would go really well here."

The petition was launched in March by Rose Renton, whose son was the first person in New Zealand to be treated with imported medical marijuana drug Elixinol.

The petition was signed by more than 17,000 people throughout New Zealand and presented to Labour MP Damien O'Connor on Wednesday.

The petition was brought to Taranaki by Craig, who would not divulge his surname out of fear he would be discriminated against. 

"I noticed there was no Taranaki representation and I stood up," he said.

"I'm aware of the medical benefits for people with...

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