Medical marijuana firms start again in Methuen

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It might seem like a bit of deja vu for the three companies vying to set up a medical marijuana facility in Methuen.

In the coming days, representatives from Alternative Therapies Group Inc., BeWell Organic Medicine Inc., and Natural Remedies Inc., will come before a selection committee to present proposals for their dispensaries.

It's a process they've been through before, including when they went before the mayor and City Council for letters of non-opposition late last year. Letters of non-opposition, or support, are required by the state Department of Public Health as one of several steps in the application process to operate a registered marijuana dispensary. They indicate that a municipality will not stand in the way of a proposed facility.

Those letters, granted to each company at the time, were rescinded earlier this year as the city took a step back to rework its vetting process for the medical marijuana facilities amid zoning issues and other concerns.

The start-stop process is lurching forward again now, this time with a selection committee to vet the applications and whittle them down to one company that will proceed forward to the City Council and be eligible for a new letter of non-opposition.

To comply with the new plan, companies had to submit detailed proposals for their planned medical marijuana dispensaries to the city by June 2. Following that, they would be scheduled for presentations and interviews with the selection committee.

Alternative Therapies Group will go first, with a presentation beginning at 10:30 a.m. Monday, June 12 in the Great Hall of the Searles Building (City Hall). Natural Remedies will follow at 3:30 p.m. Monday, in the same location.

BeWell Organic Medicine will appear in front of the committee at 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 13, also in the same location.

The selection committee will review the candidates and select one to pass along to the City Council for further review.

A letter sent by Mayor Stephen Zanni to the three companies to re-start the process in May indicated that a new letter of non-opposition could be issued to the selected facility in July.

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