Czech Republic


Holiday highs: Where can you go to experience legal cannabis?

More and more tourists are travelling to experience the freedom to try cannabis in tolerant countries

The whiff of weed is spreading across the globe as more countries decriminalise the possession of small quantities of cannabis. The Netherlands has always been the Mecca for those seeking a taste of something illicit but you can now travel further in order to indulge in a spliff or a hash cake.

Colorado, where cannabis was legalised three years ago, is already seeing a big growth in tourism. Tax revenues from the now legalised business are adding to the State’s coffers. Canada’s new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and his Liberal party are in favour of legalising marijuana.


Police busy at Prague cannabis festival

Arrests, fines and confiscations reported at annual trade fair 

The sixth cannabis festival Cannafest took place over the weekend of Nov. 6–7 at the Holešovice fairgrounds. The festival, which focuses on promoting further legalization of marijuana, medical marijuana, legal production of cannabis and sale of hemp products, is the largest of its type in Europe.




Six countries where Marijuana consumption is legal

Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that growing, possessing and smoking marijuana for recreation is legal under the right to freedom. The measure was approved in 4-1 vote on the five-justice panel, backing the argument that smoking marijuana is covered under the right of “free development of personality.”

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Here’s a quick look at five countries where Marijuana is legal and what the law states:

Czech Republic


Cannafest Prague 2015

This November, don’t miss the continent’s hottest cannabis event, held in the heart of the EU.

In less than two months, one of Europe’s largest cannabis trade shows will kick into gear as the sixth annual Cannafest Prague hits the Czech Republic.

“Last year, Cannafest saw a record number of exhibitors from 21 countries in the world,” the Cannafest Prague 2015 website states. “Although only a few weeks remain until its start, the preparation for the event has been fully underway.” 


Irish Momentum On Cannabis Increases

It is not often that you get a billionaire, a minister of state and a priest at the same table discussing cannabis decriminalization, but then Ireland has its own, very particular way of doing things. The country has a cannabis culture that is buried deep below the surface. Alcohol is embraced with abandonment but cannabis production and sale is controlled by criminal gangs. This has not helped bring the subject to public attention, especially as a drugs turf war rages in some parts of the country. Last Friday evening, an event by CityWide Drugs Crisis Campaign was organized.



Bulgaria is the next European country to make headlines for cannabis. Member of parliament Velar Enchev Penkov will introduce legislation this month calling for the adoption of cannabis to treat illness in the country.


Maps reveal how much drink and drugs countries really indulge in

You may imagine that with its liberal laws and Amsterdam’s cannabis coffee shops, the Netherlands would top a poll of cannabis use. But a series of maps has revealed that in fact Iceland smokes the most weed - with the Netherlands not even making the top five. The US tops the chart for prescription drug abuse as well as cocaine, while Norway consumes the most alcohol.



Another European country is about to begin the journey to cannabis legalization. Aodharn O Riordain,Minister for the National Drugs Strategy has been a breath of fresh air since he arrived in the job. He has been up front and honest with the public over drugs. On Wednesday there was a think tank with local and regional actors within the drug and alcohol field. The general consensus was that decriminalization is a good thing for society. There is no justification for jailing people for growing or using cannabis.


10 countries' marijuana laws explained

Marijuana decriminalization and legalization initiatives are not only sweeping through the U.S. — countries across the world are beginning to signal the green light for cannabis policy reform.

Here are 10 countries where lawmakers and public sentiment are changing the tide on cannabis policy.

1. Jamaica

Jamaica — home to the Rastafarian movement — recently joined the list of countries to decriminalize marijuana, and this year it will be hosting the World Cannabis Cup in Negril Nov. 12-15.


Customs officers bust Vietnamese gang dealing in marihuana

Brno, July 20 (CTK) - Customs officers uncovered a Vietnamese gang dealing in marihuana in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany, seizing 45 kilogrammes of the drug in a raid held last Tuesday alone, Jiri Bartak, spokesman for the Czech Customs Administration, told journalists yesterday.
If convicted, the four main masterminds of the crime will face up to 18 years in prison, Bartak said.
The 45 kilogrammes of the drug were prepared for shipment abroad, he added.
In connection with the case, the fifth man is being prosecuted in Slovakia. The Czech Republic has asked for his extradition.
The customs officers uncovered three cannabis labs in Brno. Along with 45 kilogrammes of marihuana, worth roughly 4.5 million crowns, they also seized 420 cannabis plants.


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