

Parliament considering medicinal cannabis in Denmark: Majority in favour

A number of parties are behind Alternativet’s bill to legalise the drug for medicinal use

Parliament has today started debating a law proposal by Alternativet to legalise cannabis for medicinal use.

Sophie Løhde, the health minister, has expressed opposition to the bill, but a number of other parties stand behind Alternativet and could force it through with a slim parliamentary majority, TV2 reports.

Dansk Folkeparti, Liberal Alliance, Socialistisk Folkeparti and Radikale have all expressed support for Alternativet’s proposal. Together they represent 88 votes in Parliament, which is precisely the number needed to pass a law.


THC, Or Not THC? How Danes Grow Stronger Cannabis

Modern growing techniques and genetic advances have led to higher concentrations of THC in European cannabis.

Err. Down with this sort of thing. Shocking.

The concentration of the euphoriant THC in cannabis has tripled in the space of twenty years. The reason may be a systematic processing of the cannabis plants, some of which are being grown in skunk farms in Denmark.


Weed Around the World Keeps Getting Stronger

While some long for the days of schwag, with its feel-good, mild highs, the weed of the today and presumably the future is going to make you higher than ever, according to the latest study on the matter by researchers in Denmark.


Danish cannabis stronger than ever

The cannabis sold on Danish streets is stronger than ever. The concentration of its psychoactive substance, THC, has tripled in just 20 years.

According to an analysis prepared by the Institute of Forensic Medicine at Aarhus University and published by Sundhedsstyrelsen, the health authority, cannabis is stronger than it has ever been before.

“Marijuana as a product has changed significantly,” said Christian Lindholst, the head of the Department of Forensic Medicine at Aarhus University. “It is a trend we are seeing across Europe.”

The researchers analysed cannabis seized by police in Denmark’s three largest cities and found that the amount of THC in the samples measured 28 percent. In 1992, THC showed up at just 8 percent.


Holiday highs: Where can you go to experience legal cannabis?

More and more tourists are travelling to experience the freedom to try cannabis in tolerant countries

The whiff of weed is spreading across the globe as more countries decriminalise the possession of small quantities of cannabis. The Netherlands has always been the Mecca for those seeking a taste of something illicit but you can now travel further in order to indulge in a spliff or a hash cake.

Colorado, where cannabis was legalised three years ago, is already seeing a big growth in tourism. Tax revenues from the now legalised business are adding to the State’s coffers. Canada’s new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and his Liberal party are in favour of legalising marijuana.


Inside the hippie wonderland with the world’s largest hash market

When you think of the notorious hot spots of Europe, you most likely imagine Amsterdam with its bright flashing neon lights in the infamous red-light district and its friendly stance towards cannabis.

But have you heard of the less conspicuous green-light district? As one would expect, this isn’t a feature of Amsterdam; rather it’s located in the heart of Denmark’s capital Copenhagen.

This is a place where, despite your background, people from all walks of life come together to unwind in perhaps one of the largest communes in history. We’re talking about hippies, businessmen and outsiders — everyone.

Christiania is a stand-alone municipality not far from central Copenhagen. Not something one would expect upon visiting the seemingly perfect and orderly city.


Marijuana use may lower sperm counts "quite a lot"

Smoking marijuana more than once a week may lower men's sperm counts by about a third, according to a new study.

Researchers found that the men in the study who smoked marijuana more than once a week had sperm counts that were 29 percent lower, on average, than those who did not smoke marijuana, or used the drug less frequently.

The researchers thought that amount of reduction in sperm count "was quite a lot," said study author Tina Kold Jensen, of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.


Danish Researchers are sounding the alarm: Substances destroys teeth

Researchers are sounding the alarm: Substances destroys teeth

Cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine and other drugs can have serious consequences for dental health, warns researcher at the School of Dentistry. It writes Dental Journal.

It is well known that drugs can cause physical, psychological and social problems, but a wide range of illicit drugs also affects the teeth and mouth and can cause problems as caries and periodontal disease.


Legalization Roundup: Who Will Legalize Cannabis First, Italy or the United Kingdom?

Cannabis is going global fast – Italy’s Parliament just voted for a legalized, regulated cannabis market, Denmark’s youth is consuming cannabis in droves but it’s no gateway, and the United Kingdom just reached a record high number of supporters for legalization in the isles. On this side of the pond, United States lawmakers are thinking ahead and making plans that could change the game completely. We’ve got the latest in cannabis legalization efforts:


U.S. Cannabis Updates



In Denmark, Young People Choosing Marijuana over Drugs & Alcohol

The Danish National Institute of Public Health has released new figures showing that high school students are rejecting alcohol and hard drugs in favor of marijuana.

Over the past two decades, marijuana use among male high school students has almost doubled and use among female high school students has increased by half. In 1996, about one-in-four male teenage Danes (26 percent) had tried marijuana and about one-in-five female teenage Danes (19 percent) had tried marijuana. Today, half of all males (50 percent) and almost one-third of all females (31 percent) have tried marijuana.


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