

Iran is Surprisingly Progressive on Cannabis

When examining cultural differences around the globe, one doesn’t need to work hard to see the gap between Iran and the entire Western World.

The 1979 revolution which toppled the U.S. supported Persian monarchy and instituted a strict Religious Islamic regime made our co-existence on this planet somewhat frosty.  In recent years, there have been varying degrees of thaw and refreeze, but still, the cultural and political differences remain. One of the few exceptions to that rule is marijuana.


High marijuana use a growing phenomenon in Iran

In the ultraconservative nation of Iran that is known to uphold a harsh code of conduct, the popularity of marijuana is growing with little interference by the government. 

According to a New York Times report Saturday, Iranian police pay little heed to the vast use of marijuana, which is allegedly vaguely mentioned in the country's Islamic penal code.


From cannabis cafes to death row: drugs laws around the world


The hardline drug policies adopted during the 1980s in the “war on drugs”, including mandatory minimum sentences for some drug-related crimes, has led to extremely high levels of incarceration in the country. The US has more than 2 million people in its jails – the second highest rate of incarceration per capita in the world – about half of whom were convicted of drugs-related crimes.


The Complicated History of Cannabis in the Islamic World

Although the Koran does not specifically outlaw cannabis, and it was apparently never mentioned by Mohammed himself, the plant and products made from it are still considered haraam (forbidden). However, cannabis grows and is processed into hashish in many Muslim-majority countries around the world, and it has been an undeniable part of the culture for centuries in many of these countries.  


Nine Signs the World's War on Drugs Is Waning

Number one: Canada elects a marijuana-legalizing prime minister.

The global anti-drug regime has been in place for more than a half century now, but the prohibitionist consensus has been crumbling for at least 20 years, and the decomposition continued apace this year.

The international treaties that make up the legal backbone of international drug prohibition still stand, but they are under increasing attack at the United Nations, which will take them up again next year. They are increasingly being breached (especially by marijuana legalization at the national and sub-national level) and nibbled away at around the edges by moves like drug decriminalization and some harm reduction measures such as supervised injection facilities.


The stunning paradox of Iran’s war on drugs: How it actually makes America look worse

Iran regularly puts drug traffickers to death—but it also tests out progressive policies for treating drug addicts

Situated between Afghanistan’s extensive poppy fields and eager Western markets, Iran has an extensive history of domestic opium, alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use dating back centuries. In recent decades, heroin has become more popular. Most recently, the use of methamphetamine has exploded and is reportedly in demand across the social spectrum, from tired workers to women seeking weight loss.


Iran takes steps towards legalising cannabis

A prominent member of the country's Expediency Council delivered a lecture on steps that could be taken to legalise the drugs

After Uruguay courageously legalised the use of cannabis under a new drug policy, could Iran be the next country to make it legal? From the outside, the image of Iran as retrograde and inherently conservative hardly fits with the reality of a more dynamic domestic political debate within. But drug policy is one of the areas of debate in which the Islamic Republic has produced some interesting, yet paradoxical, policies.


Iran could be the next country to legalize marijuana — and opium

After Uruguay courageously legalised the use of cannabis under a new drug policy, could Iran be the next country to make it legal? From the outside, the image of Iran as retrograde and inherently conservative hardly fits with the reality of a more dynamic domestic political debate within. But drug policy is one of the areas of debate in which the Islamic Republic has produced some interesting, yet paradoxical, policies.


10 milestones in the history of medicinal cannabis

The history of medical cannabis is long and turbulent, encompassing almost every corner of the globe and spanning over 6,000 years. Here, we set out what we believe are the most significant milestones on the long march to gain recognition of cannabis as a powerful, effective, and safe medicine.

Publication of the Sanskrit Ayurvedic texts

Unlike the dates of many early Chinese texts, the Ancient Indians were fairly proactive when it came to dating their historical records, and as a result modern scholars are fairly confident that the first known references to cannabis appear in the Atharvaveda, written in around 1,400 BCE.


Britain's £13m overseas war on drugs 'could be helping fund executions'

Richard Branson and former director of public prosecutions Lord Macdonald lead call for inquiry into Home Office’s support for anti-narcotics operations

Thirty-seven public figures, including Sir Richard Branson, Lord Macdonald QC, the former director of public prosecutions, and Alistair Carmichael, the former Scottish secretary, have called for an urgent inquiry into the UK’s role in anti-narcotics operations abroad, which they say have helped to fund executions in countries such as Pakistan and Iran.


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