

High Time For Jamaica's Marijauna Tourism About Face

Jamaican government officials are taking steps to embrace marijuana-based tourism activity in the country following April’s launch of a law reducing possession of two ounces or less to a violation punishable via ticket, but not a criminal offense.


Wykeham McNeill, the county’s minister of tourism, called the reforms “historic and revolutionary,” saying they place Jamaica among a handful of countries to enact similar legislation. McNeill was speaking at a Negril conference on the new “ganja law,” formally known as theDangerous Drugs Amendment Act 2015.   


Top 10 Business Sectors That Will Thrive Under Legal Marijuana

It’s an interesting time for marijuana, more US states are looking ahead to full legalization and Canada is moving forward with a wide scale plan which could eventually legalize cannabis across the whole country. Jamaica is getting serious about building a cannabis industry and more countries such as Columbia, Australia, and New Zealand are looking at changing their laws to accommodate marijuana on a medical basis.

Here are the top 10 business sectors that will thrive under this process:

1. Agriculture


Ganja Reforms Put Jamaica Ahead Of Other Countries

Minister of Tourism and Entertainment, Hon. Dr. Wykeham McNeill, says the ganja reforms, enacted earlier this year, are historic and revolutionary, and have placed Jamaica ahead of many other countries globally.

“In years to come, we will look back (with pride) at what has happened here in Jamaica and the changes that have taken (place with) how we treat cannabis. We are ahead of the curve. It has been revolutionary. We are among few countries in the world that have made these moves,” he said.

Minister McNeill was speaking at the Beckley Foundation Conference on Jamaica’s Cannabis Reforms and Regulations on Friday, November 13, at the Swept Away Resort in Negril, Westmoreland.


Jamaica: Minister Hylton Says Ganja Industry Framework Must Be Right

Industry, Investment and Commerce Minister, Hon. Anthony Hylton, says the country must get the framework for a regulated and legalized cannabis industry right the first time.

He emphasized that Jamaica is left with no choice but to ensure that every aspect of legally participating in the regulated sector, is done correctly.

“The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) has deliberately remained sequestered as they deliberate with key stakeholders on the tenets of the regulations that will guide the industry. They understand, as I do, the importance of developing a sustainable industry that takes into consideration the best practices, while ensuring that it will thrive within the context of Jamaican socio-economic realities,” the Minister said.


Justice Minister gets award for 'Ganja Law' reform

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Justice Minister Mark Golding will receive the Kurt Schmoke Award for Achievement in the Field of Law at the International Drug Policy Reform Conference in the DC metro area on Friday, November 20.

The award, previously the Justice Gerald Le Dain, recognises those involved in law who have worked within official institutions when extremist pressures dominate government policies.

"Every once in a rare while, a government official steps up and out to provide much needed leadership on a controversial issue," said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. "That's what Mark Golding did, with skill and courage, thereby enabling Jamaica to leap to the forefront of nations in embracing just and sensible reform of cannabis laws."


Ganga, Rastafarians and the High Times Jamaica Cannabis CupBY KEITH STROUP

By Keith Stroup

The flight out of Washington, D.C., to Charlotte, N.C., to catch my connecting flight to Jamaica, looked like most flights when I am leaving D.C.: A lot of suits and ties and business people on board heading to or returning from a business meeting or a meeting with their members of Congress, or their office in the nation’s capital.

But the flight from Charlotte to Jamaica left no doubt that this was no longer a business trip for most on the plane. They were dressed casually, and some were obviously dressed for the beach. Something about Jamaica that suggests relaxing on the beach with a nice rum drink and some good ganga — the term generally used for marijuana in Jamaica.


Jamaica is importing ganja seeds?

Some time ago there were news reports that, as part of the process of developing a regulatory framework for the Jamaican medical marijuana industry, the Government was planning to import 100 ganja seeds. As was expected, the usual responses to this announcement were observed. Namely shock, horror and outrage that the reputed "sensimilla capital" of the Caribbean is to import Cannabis sativa seeds.

For example one online response read: "This is total disrespect! We will have to import ganja seeds when we are said to have the best quality stuff!" These are typical knee-jerk reactions to headlines without considering the rationale behind the decision to import seeds. That assertion that Jamaica has the best quality "stuff" may be based more on feelings than on facts.


ustice Minister gets award for 'Ganja Law' reform

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Justice Minister Mark Golding will receive the Kurt Schmoke Award for Achievement in the Field of Law at the International Drug Policy Reform Conference in the DC metro area on Friday, November 20.

The award, previously the Justice Gerald Le Dain, recognises those involved in law who have worked within official institutions when extremist pressures dominate government policies.

"Every once in a rare while, a government official steps up and out to provide much needed leadership on a controversial issue," said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. "That's what Mark Golding did, with skill and courage, thereby enabling Jamaica to leap to the forefront of nations in embracing just and sensible reform of cannabis laws."


Trinidad: Jamaican QC joins team seeking cannabis reform

JAMAICA-BORN Queen’s Counsel Dr Courtenay Griffiths has been appointed to the legal team of Trinidad and Tobago’s first incorporated cannabis law reform non-governmental organisation.
Griffiths has been officially appointed as C420’s consultant on matters of law reform. 
“Dr Griffiths was born in Jamaica and received his training in the United Kingdom. He was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1980 and was made Queen’s Counsel in 1998. Dr Griffiths also holds honorary Doctor of Laws degrees from both Coventry University and Leeds Metropolitan University. 


Jamaica: Govt urged to secure share of international ganja market

NEGRIL, Westmoreland -- President of the Westmoreland Hemp and Ganja Farmers Association Ras Iyah is urging the Government to "align" with other countries to secure a slice of the international marijuana market.

"I think the Government of Jamaica has a duty and responsibility to align themselves with other countries, because I know there are other countries, here in the Caribbean, in Latin America...that are against this big stick that America has over our heads that says 'you can do what I say but not what I do'," he argued.


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