

4 States Legalized Recreational Weed This Week — Here's How They'll Spend the Extra Tax Money

Over 63 million Americans now live in states where it's legal to consume recreational weed.

Americans said "yes we cannabis" on Election Day, when voters in California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada passed ballot initiatives fully legalizing the use and possession of marijuana without a doctor's recommendation.


Here's When You Can Start Legally Buying Weed in States That Just Legalized It

One in five Americans can now use marijuana legally.

Seven states legalized marijuana in some form on Election Day. California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada showed up to support recreational marijuana, while Arkansas, Florida, and North Dakota passed ballot initiatives legalizing medical marijuana.


Mentor Capital: Election Triples Recreational Cannabis Market

Mentor Capital reports that, following the election, overnight, the population in states where recreational cannabis use is legal increased from 17.6 million to 67.5 million. California, Massachusetts, Maine and Nevada joined Colorado, Alaska, Oregon, Washington and the District of Columbia as new safe havens for cannabis use by adults when in compliance with their respective state laws. This rising tide was further buttressed by the approval of medical marijuana use in Florida, North Dakota and Arkansas with a combined population of 22.6 million. 29 states now allow recreational cannabis or medical marijuana use covering the majority of the US population.


Cannabis victorious: What do the wins for marijuana legalization mean for business?

Is Big Weed on the way? Now that California, Nevada, Maine and Massachusetts have legalized recreational marijuana, investors should expect the explosion of a major new industry which could have a major economic impact on America.

One main reason why the potential in recreational marijuana is so great is that, until Colorado and Washington legalized cannabis in 2012 (Oregon and Alaska legalized it later), there was no legitimate industry in the country to speak of. By virtue of being legalized — and in particularly in a state as large, and with as vibrant an agricultural sector, as California — the recreational marijuana industry has now created a solid foundation for itself and its own ground floor.


Pot Legalization Supporters Declare Victory in Close Maine Race

It was a big night for the marijuana legalization movement around the country, with 3 of 5 states, including Massachusetts, approving ballot measures and Maine poised to follow suit.

The vote remained extremely close all night, but at about 3 a.m., supporters of the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol declared victory.

The Yes on One campaign held an edge of between one and two percentage points all night long. And in the wee hours of the morning, with a few more precincts still to be counted, political director Alysia Melnick offered this assessment.


Where Legal Weed Will Likely Win Today — and Where It Probably Won't

The results of today's marijuana legalization ballot initiatives will set the stage for the next four years of American drug policy. If California and a number of other states legalize the recreational use of the drug, many observers, including President Obama, say that a strict federal pot prohibition could soon become untenable.


Why marijuana will be a 'shadow' business for a long time

Never mind Clinton vs. Trump: Millions of Americans can expect to wake up Wednesday and indulge in a soothing palliative to take the edge off the results of a contentious presidential election.

On Tuesday, five states will decide whether to join Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Washington, DC, in legalizing marijuana for “adult recreational“ use.

Polling in California, Nevada, Arizona, Massachusetts and Maine shows that, while legalization is slightly favored by voters, the margins are very close.

Taken together, a successful outcome for these ballot measures could add $4.2 billion to legal marijuana retail revenues by 2018, on top of the $6.5 billion projected for the current year, according to Matt Karnes of GreenWave Advisors.


Marijuana legalization wars: Follow the money edition

A good way to gauge where things stand in the marijuana legalization wars a week before Election Day is to follow the money. And the latest polls, of course.

There are limitations to this approach. Trying to predict the outcome of an election by polling a week or less before the voting ends is a lot like trying to predict how a road trip is going to end by looking out the back window of the car. Ditto with following the money. The financial disclosure reports published, say, 10 days before Election Day don’t tell you how much will be contributed and spent before the polls close.

That said, here’s how things stood about a week ago.


What happens to Colorado green rush if other states legalize recreational marijuana?

Five other states will vote on legalizing recreational marijuana on Nov. 8 and the impact on Colorado is yet to be seen.

The Colorado green rush is credited with bringing an influx of investment and people to the state. Supporters cite a $2.4 billion economic impact in 2015 but opponents point to concerns about crime and homelessness.

After several incidents downtown this summer, city leaders blamed what they called "urban travelers" -- people drawn to Colorado for legal weed. They even told dispensaries on the 16th Street Mall to avoid selling individual joints.

A homeless man who calls himself "L.A." told Denver 7 he moved here from Louisiana because of marijuana, as he said, "For the best weed ever."


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