

Battle is on for control of Michigan's marijuana market

Detroit Councilman George Cushingberry Jr. wants to loosen certain aspects of proposed regulations for the city's medical marijuana dispensaries.

Nearly eight years after Michigan voters overwhelmingly concluded that marijuana should be available to patients whose doctors prescribe it, state lawmakers are finally addressing some of the most egregious defects in Michigan's Medical Marihuana Act.


Michigan Medical marijuana case moving to trial

Amanda Amsdill, left, listens as lawyer Matt Newburg, left, speaks with her parents, Debra and Jim Amsdill, during a preliminary examination in 2013. The Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled the Amsdills must stand trial on charges ranging from conducting a criminal enterprise to conspiracy to deliver or manufacture marijuana.(Photo: MELISSA WAWZYSKO/TIMES HERALD)

The owners and some employees of Blue Water Compassion Center facilities in St. Clair, Sanilac and Tuscola counties will proceed to trial in January on charges ranging from conducting a criminal enterprise to conspiracy to deliver or manufacture marijuana.


Detroiters, advocates pack medical marijuana hearing

Salesman Floyd Hardrick, right, 24, of Detroit assists Lisa Price, 55, of Detroit at 420 Dank. Price is suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease and has a medical marijuana license. (Photo: Salwan Georges, Detroit Free Press)

Concerned Detroiters who cringe at the rapid spread of marijuana dispensaries and medical card-holders who rely on the product for treatment packed a public hearing today to debate proposed regulations of the city's medical marijuana industry.


Detroit Public hearing to discuss plans to regulate medical marijuana

Detroit city leaders will meet today to discuss new plans to regulate medical marijuana.

Currently, there are no regulations as to where a medical marijuana dispensary can set up shop. City leaders are looking at changing this by putting regulations in place, and creating a zoning plan to keeping certain areas, like near schools, off limits.

A new report released by Loveland Technologies shows that there are a total of 152 medical marijuana dispensaries in the city. Sixty-two of those are located within 1,000 feet of an active school.

The public is invited to listen and voice their concerns about the proposed zoning effort. The hearing is happening at 10:00 a.m. on the 13th floor of City Hall.


Medicinal marijuana bills pass State House


This past week, the Michigan House of Representatives passed a series of bills regarding Michigan's medical marijuana laws.

Among these bills include a 3 percent excise tax on medicinal marijuana. The funds collected from the tax will go toward establishing a more regulated and controlled environment that will help insure safety and consistency. When the bill was initially proposed, the tax was at 16 percent and was negotiated down to 3 percent.

State Representative John Kivela, Democrat in the 109th district, believes these new bills help better define the medical marijuana laws in Michigan.


Report: Detroit has 148 marijuana dispensaries

A new report pegs the number of marijuana dispensaries in Detroit at 148.

Prior to the report, Detroit public officials could not say how many dispensaries there are, partly because they are opening at such a rapid pace but mostly because the city does not keep track of them.

The City Council is debating proposed licensing regulations. A public hearing is set for 10 a.m. Monday.

Of the 148 dispensaries in Detroit, 100 are within 1.15 miles of the suburbs; 59, including some of those near suburbs, are within 1,000 feet of an active school, according to the report, "Weed in the D," published Monday by local mapping company Loveland Technologies.


Medical marijuana dispensaries, taxes and edibles approved by Michigan House

Michigan would tax and regulate medical marijuana in a tiered licensing system similar to alcohol and gambling under legislation passed Wednesday by the House, where advocates said action is necessary due to confusion surrounding the legality of dispensary businesses and non-smokable forms of the drug.

The main bill, approved 95-11 and sent to the Senate, would require a state operating license to grow, process, sell, transport and test marijuana used for medical purposes. "Provisioning centers" that sell the drug to patients or their caregivers would pay a 3 percent tax on their gross retail income, in addition to the 6 percent state sales tax.


Qualifying Conditions For Cannabis By State


Qualifying conditions to become a medical marijuana patient in Alaska include:

  • Cancer
  • Glaucoma
  • Cachexia (wasting syndrome)
  • Nausea
  • Muscle spasms
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Pain
  • Seizures

For a complete list of qualifying conditions and guidelines, please refer to Alaska’s application for medical marijuana registry



Qualifying conditions to become a medical marijuana patient in Arizona include:


Premier Cannabis Testing Lab Expands To Oregon

WALLED LAKE, Mich., Oct. 1, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Michigan-based medical cannabis testing lab, IRON Laboratories, is expanding operations with a new HB3460 compliant testing facility opening in Eugene, Oregon today.

The new IRON Laboratories facility follows strict ISO/IEC 17025:2005 certified testing protocols to test for pesticides, impurities, and other contaminants, utilizing advanced chromatography and microbial analysis and will also offer consulting and research services as well as mobile testing on all cannabis products, both medicinal and recreational.


Public hearing set on law for medical marijuana shops

Detroit — An October public hearing is set to gain public feedback on a propose ordinance aimed at regulating where and how medical marijuana centers can operate in Detroit.

The law, crafted by Councilman James Tate, was formally introduced Tuesday at the council’s formal session. The ordinance seeks to limit hours, impose inspection and licensing requirements and a ban on drive-thru windows, among other regulations. The proposal also calls for an amendment to the city’s zoning code to specify where the medical marijuana centers can locate. The council scheduled a public hearing on the plan for Oct. 12.


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