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3 Reasons Bowls And Bongs Are Now Obsolete


As technology around personal vaporizers continues to develop, it’s fair to assume that the likelihood of people leaving their glass paraphernalia in the past will only increase.

The world of cannabis consumption has expanded well beyond the realm of bowls and bongs. The advent of vaporizers have added a significant amount of variety when it comes to the choices of smoking paraphernalia on the market.

A lot of cannabis enthusiasts have a comfort level with their glass accessories that can be hard to break. That’s the case even though there are a handful of reasons to leave glass in the past.  


Pfizer to Acquire Pharmaceutical Company Testing Cannabinoid Treatment


Pfizer Inc. paid in cash the value of $6.7 billion in an agreement to acquire Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Pfizer Inc., one of the trifecta pharmaceutical companies manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines, is acquiring another large pharma company that is conducting clinical trials on a variety of drugs, including one that is examining the efficacy of cannabinoids.


3 Popular Ways People Like To Consume Cannabis Products

cannabis cookies

In recent years, there have been some studies that show that there are promising health benefits that cannabis has. Further studies still need to be made to learn more about its benefits and whether there are side effects to it. Nonetheless, many people find it to have highly effective therapeutic effects on different health conditions that other medications failed to treat.


Delta-8 Products In The Cannabis Industry: What To Expect In The Future


The increasing popularity of delta-8 (and all cannabinoids) seems to be slowly clearing a path toward legitimacy.

The future of the cannabis industry is a labyrinth of elaborate rules and regulations, of types and categorization. All of the twists and turns can make this topic difficult to navigate, even for the interested layperson. In this article, we’ll be specifically addressing the trajectory of delta-8 cannabis product legality in the United States.

We’ll begin with a rundown of delta-8, and just what it does in the body. We’ll then examine issues with delta-8 sales and finish with a glimpse forward at the cannabis industry in terms of delta-8 products. We’ll also share some insights from industry experts and specialists.


Strange Side Effects of Marijuana, Says Science

old woman smoking up

According to medical experts, the following side effects can happen when smoking marijuana.


Marijuana Growth Stages: How Much Time is Needed to Grow Marijuana?

just plant

Cannabis plants undergo some stages when they grow and mature. Each step requires a different level of water, nutrients, and light. Knowing the marijuana growth stages and their duration is crucial because you can tell when to prune, train, trellis, and harvest the plant. 

If you intend to grow marijuana, the article will help you know the growth stages. Each of them needs a specific environment and unique demands in every growth stage. The growth takes from three to five months.

Four Major Marijuana Growth Stages

A marijuana plant growth undergoes the four main stages below:


Vape Holiday Gift Guide

woman vaping

For those who prefer to vape over other ways to consume cannabis, this holiday gift guide has an array of devices that will be the perfect presents.

Vapes are quite possibly one of the best gifts you could give someone—but choosing just one is no easy task. They vary greatly in size and price, ranging from the smallest, most discreet vape pens (some of which are disposable) to the biggest, beefiest rigs you can imagine. These devices offers so much potential in consumption choices, too. Some vape pens offer a wide variety of cartridges with the freshest trending oils. Other vape devices are compatible with any dry herb you have on hand, putting the power of flower choice solely in your hands.


Is cannabis a performance enhancing substance?

woman working out

The University of Colorado announces groundbreaking research on the correlation between cannabis and exercise

US sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson broke the internet last summer when she was suspended for testing positive for cannabis use after her 100m win at U.S. Olympic Trials. USATF and World Athletics received some backlash as there is little scientific research on whether cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) hinder or help athletic performance. A new study out of the University of Colorado Boulder hopes to shed some light on how cannabis, which is now legal outside of sport, impacts exercise.

Under World Athletics and World Anti-Doping Agency rules, cannabis is a banned substance that meets two of the following three criteria:


Can cannabis influence sports performance?

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Different studies on cannabis and its significant potential to treat an assortment of medical conditions has been growing since the past many years. One of the noticing studies interpreting cannabis capability is how the compound can influence sports performance or do its adverse side-effects outweigh its health benefits?

Now, irrespective of the limited research on cannabis for sports, there is an accumulating interest in the use of marijuana and its cannabinoids for enhanced performance, especially for athletes. Now, before understanding how exactly does marijuana works towards influencing an athlete’s performance, let us know more about cannabis and its different constituents.


Essential guide to understanding cannabis concentrates


Flower normally has a THC content that ranges from 10 per cent to 25 percent, but concentrated products in the U.S. can exceed 80 per cent.

As the marijuana business continues to grow, the methods of weed consumption seem to evolve just as quickly. Flower cannabis represents only a small portion of most dispensary retail operations in the U.S. And as time goes on, concentrates are becoming more popular and diverse.

As this niche market begins to outsell other marijuana products, it is important to understand exactly what marijuana concentrates are.


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