

On hippies vs. suits in the cannabis industry

What happens when outlaw industries like marijuana go legit? We are about to find out.

As marijuana prohibition slowly but surely becomes a thing of the past, the tensions between the radical activists that started the cannabis-freedom movement and the venture capitalists that are looking to cash in on America’s No. 1 growth industry are starting to get bigger.


To the Bitter End: The 9 States Where Marijuana Will Be Legalized Last

We know the end is coming, but pot prohibition is going to have to be undone state by state. Here are the ones least likely to jump on the bandwagon.

Marijuana prohibition in the US is dying, but it isn't going to vanish in one fell swoop. Even if Congress were to repeal federal pot prohibition, state laws criminalizing the plant and its users would still be in effect—at least in some states.

And it's probably a pretty safe bet that Congress isn’t going to act until a good number of states, maybe more than half, have already legalized it. That process is already underway and is likely to gather real momentum by the time election day 2016 is over.


This New Study Is Bad News if You're a Marijuana Supporter

Marijuana legalization may not be a top priority of Congress or President Obama, but the American public is certainly doing its best to make it apparent that marijuana is an important issue.

We've seen a complete transformation of the American public's opinion of marijuana and even individual state law over the past two decades. What once was an illegal substance in all 50 states is now legal from the aspect of medical purposes in 23 states, and legal from a recreational, adult-use standpoint in four states.


Marijuana backers look for growth in Ohio

Nearly 80 years since the United States effectively declared marijuana an illegal drug, support for legalization is spreading like a weed.

In the past three years, voters in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and the District of Columbia have voted to allow the recreational use of pot.

This year, Ohio voters will likely be asked to join the cannabis cavalcade.

That proposal, generated by a group calling itself ResponsibleOhio, is well into the signature-gathering process. Given its resources, estimated at more than $40 million, gathering signatures will likely not be its hardest task.

The ResponsibleOhio plan would allow adults 21 and older to possess an ounce of pot and grow up to four plants.


Top 10 Marijuana Industry Red Herrings

A red herring is “something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue.” Sad to say the marijuana industry has more than its fair share of red herrings, including the ten that are most prevalent these days:


Is marijuana a new growth industry for Ohio? (Video)

The UpTake: Legalizing marijuana could result in a $4.1 billion Ohio industry by 2020. Those are serious numbers for those advocating for the state to join the ranks of those that already permit pot.

I an James, architect of a proposal to legalize pot in Ohio, said it stemmed from a simple notion: "Let's take this from the tie-dye to the suit-and-tie approach to marijuana."

James, CEO of the Strategy Network, a Columbus political consulting firm, turned to Cincinnati lawyer Chris Stock for help. Would Stock draft a proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution that would outline how pot would be regulated for personal and medical use? "I've never used marijuana in my life," Stock told James. "I'm not sure I want to be involved." But he relented.


Marijuana legalization could push 2016 Presidential swing state voters

Many marijuana advocates are saying 2016 will be the year for marijuana legalization, thanks in part to a new poll which finds that a majority of voters in several swing stats support legalizing marijuana.

According to the Quinnipiac survey,  55 percent of voters in Florida, 52 percent in Ohio, and 51 percent in Pennsylvania, are in favor of allowing adults “to legally possess small amounts of marijuana for personal use.”

As for Medical Marijuana the numbers are even more staggering, with 84 percent of the voters in Florida and Ohio and 88 percent in Pennsylvania stating that they believe medical marijuana should be legal.


Poll: Majority of Ohioans in favor of legal possession of marijuana for adults

CINCINNATI -- A majority of Ohioans favor making it legal for adults to possess a small amount of marijuana for recreational use, according to a new poll from Quinnipiac University .

The poll surveyed voters in three swing states -- Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio -- and found support for legalization of the drug for both medical and recreational use.


Support for medical marijuana in Ohio is overwhelming, according to the poll, at 84-15 percent in favor, while support for allowing adults "to legally possess small amounts of marijuana for personal use" is 52-44 percent.


Backers of marijuana legalization efforts in Ohio hope to score support at Cleveland Indians home ...

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Cleveland Indians fans won't be the only ones who will be humming "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" Friday afternoon. Petitioners for two separate efforts to legalize marijuana will also be at Progressive Field looking for support for their proposals to change Ohio's constitution.

ResponsibleOhio and Ohioans To End Prohibition each are collecting signatures from registered voters. The Tribe game with a crowd of more than 40,000 fans offers a chance for each group to get a lot of signatures on their petitions.

Legalizing marijuana Several proposals are in the works to legalize marijuana in Ohio. Check here for an update on the status of those efforts.


Which States Will Legalize Marijuana This Year And Next?

At the beginning of 2014, when Colorado became the first state to allow the sale of marijuana for recreational use, the whole world was watching. “It was insane,” says Toni Fox, owner of Denver’s 3D Cannabis Center, where the first sale happened. “On January 1, there were close to 200 reporters here. Controlled chaos. It was just packed with reporters.”

But the more successful Colorado’s model is and the more imitation it inspires, the less attention it will get. “Colorado is not going to be the top dog for much longer,” says Kayvan Khalatbari, co-owner of the Denver Relief dispensary. “I think it’s only a matter of time before Colorado really gets overlooked.”


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