

Texas Area organization promotes legalizing marijuana

Amarillo, TX - A new pro-cannabis organization in Amarillo is looking to grow its campaign by educating and registering more voters who are in favor of their message.

Amarillo Cannabis Culture knows its got an uphill battle with lots of opposition. We decided to find out for ourselves how hard that battle would be by asking area residents how they feel about the legalization of marijuana, and the responses weren't what we expected.


To the Bitter End: The 9 States Where Marijuana Will Be Legalized Last

We know the end is coming, but pot prohibition is going to have to be undone state by state. Here are the ones least likely to jump on the bandwagon.

Marijuana prohibition in the US is dying, but it isn't going to vanish in one fell swoop. Even if Congress were to repeal federal pot prohibition, state laws criminalizing the plant and its users would still be in effect—at least in some states.

And it's probably a pretty safe bet that Congress isn’t going to act until a good number of states, maybe more than half, have already legalized it. That process is already underway and is likely to gather real momentum by the time election day 2016 is over.


Dewmar International BMC, Inc. and Hemp, Inc. Announces Official Launch of Hemp Infused Brownies

DENVER, April 13, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Dewmar International BMC, Inc. (OTCPink: DEWM) ("Dewmar" or "Company") a leading provider of consumer brands and Hemp, Inc.


Alexis Bortell: Texas Girl Whose Seizures Cured By Cannabis Oil Becomes Medical Marijuana Advocate

Alexis Bortell is a Texas girl whose daily epileptic seizures were quelled by medical marijuana, and now she is turning into one of the state’s biggest advocates for legalized cannabis.


One year ago, Bortell was living with a condition that prevented her from living a normal life, and treatments were not making the seizures get any better.

A specialist told the Bortell family that Alexis might benefit by leaving Texas and moving to a state where she could be treated with medical marijuana.


Texas Young Republicans support marijuana decriminalization

The Texas Young Republicans, a group affiliated with the state GOP, are publicly backing legislative efforts to decriminalize marijuana possession.

More than three-fourths of the group’s membership support decriminalizing possession of less than an ounce of marijuana and removing fines that can be levied, according to a survey the group conducted.

The House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee discussed proposals late Wednesday night that would reduce the penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana, and one bill that would legalize it altogether.


Texas: Pot legalization up for debate in House committee

Marijuana advocates head back to the Capitol Wednesday as a House committee prepares to discuss the first round of pot legislation.

Lawmakers will hear testimony on three different proposals seeking to reduce the penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana and a blunter approach to legalize it outright.

Though the issue has garnered some bipartisan support, the efforts are likely to go up in smoke due to pushback from conservative lawmakers and leadership.

The proposal most supported by pot backers would make possession of one ounce or less a citable offense rather than a criminal one.


10-year-old gets sweet investment from 'Shark Tank' for lemonade business

A 10-year-old in Texas got a pretty sweet investment for her booming lemonade business.

Investors on "Shark Tank" saw a lot of potential in Mikaila Ulmer when she came on the show to pitch her lemonade company, BeeSweet.

This isn't your everyday lemonade stand, and "Shark Tank" investor and FUBU CEODaymond John noticed.

He said: "Partnering with Mikaila made perfect sense [...] She's a great kid with a head for business and branding. She's got a great idea and I'm happy to help take BeeSweet to the next level."

The millionaire businessman invested $60,000 in this unique beverage company.


Medical marijuana keeps Texas 9-year-old seizure free for a month

Alexis Bortell, a 9-year-old girl from Texas, has had to move to Colorado in order to seek treatment for her seizures through medical marijuana. She has since been on her new medicine for a month, and has not experienced any seizure symptoms.

Her father, Dean Bortell, says that her longest good ‘streak’ on pharmaceuticals was a couple of days. “We thought if we could get down to one ‘episode’ a week it would be a miracle. Monday marks four weeks and zero symptoms. We are completely amazed,” Dean states. “It is important to note that this ‘symptom elimination’ has been achieved using Haleigh’s Hope and THC oil with zero side effects.”

Haleigh’s Hope is a strain of concentrated cannabis which has been extremely effective at helping to manage epilepsy symptoms.


From dozens of seizures a day to 33 straight days seizure free with medical marijuana

Alexis Bortell, a 9-year-old girl from Texas, has had to move to Colorado in order to seek treatment for her seizures through medical marijuana. She had been on her new medicine for 33 days without experiencing any seizure symptoms.

The streak ended after a minor three minute seizure the other morning. It happened while Alexis had a cold.

Her father, Dean Bortell, says that her longest good ‘streak’ on pharmaceuticals was a couple of days. “We thought if we could get down to one ‘episode’ a week it would be a miracle. Monday marks four weeks and zero symptoms. We are completely amazed,” Dean states. “It is important to note that this ‘symptom elimination’ has been achieved using Haleigh’s Hope and THC oil with zero side effects.”


Texas sheriff fumbles as hemp is poised to pass committee

Hemp recently had its first committee hearing in the Texas legislature, and it involved about a dozen supporters testifying in favor of the two bills, along with one very confused sheriff.

Two bills submitted by Rep. Joe Farias of San Antonio would bring hemp to the Texas agriculture scene. House Bill 557 would legalize hemp for research purposes through institutions of higher education, while House Bill 1322 legalizes hemp for Texas farmers to grow alongside other crops.

Many groups were represented at the hearing, including farmers, health food stores, an insurance company, and the Texas Hemp Industries Association. Both bills were heard at the same time.


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