United States

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the US

Pennsylvania Accepting Applications for Medical Marijuana Grow Houses and Dispensaries

The price is steep and regulations will be strict, but PA is on the way to MMJ.

Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives passed a medical marijuana bill in the middle of last year, and now Pennsylvania residents will finally have their opportunity to put their foot into the industry.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health is now accepting applications for entrepreneurs interested in opening medical marijuana cultivation centers, production centers, or dispensaries. The process won’t be easy though, the application is a 33-page packet, which includes local and federal background checks, as well as exorbitant permit fees.


What Cannabis Needs to Learn From Alcohol Prohibition

As the cannabis movement continues to proliferate across the United States, legislators are faced with some difficult decisions about how to proceed. There is a steep learning curve for many after the global defamation of cannabis spanning 80 years. Medical science is uncovering immense benefits of the cannabis plant and educated Americans want convenient access now. What are the next steps in cannabis liberation and how do we educate our communities for the best possible outcome?


Pro-Pot Lawmakers Launch a Congressional Cannabis Caucus

Four members of the U.S. congress are banding together to protect the growing marijuana industry.

A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers launched the Congressional Cannabis Caucus in a press conference at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday afternoon. Republican congressmen Dana Rohrabacher (California) and Don Young (Alaska) joined Democrats Earl Blumenauer (Oregon) and Jared Polis (Colorado) to launch the new group. They are dedicated to developing policy reforms that can bridge the gap that currently exists between federal laws banning marijuana and the laws in an ever-growing number of states that have legalized it for medical or recreational purposes.


Medical Marijuana's Massive Windfall

It turns out marijuana could have taxpayers seeing green in more ways than one. There is a massive windfall associated with making medical weed available nationally and a big data company broke it down for us.

New Frontier Data, a market research company for the cannabis industry, said on Wednesday that their data analysis shows that if medical marijuana was available nationally, the decreased Medicare expenses for three widely used opioid painkillers — OxyContin, hydrocodone, and fentanyl — would lead to taxpayers saving over $220 million.


This Marijuana Farming Collective Is Setting The Bar High For Environmentally-Friendly Cannabis

Cannabis prohibition has been a disaster for the American economy, the American people and the environment in general.


Trump and Sessions Seem Focused on Cartels, Not Cannabis

President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have yet to directly address the issue of cannabis legalization and the state-federal schism, which has led to all kinds of rumors flying about.

One rumor, floated on a cannabis blog recently, held that Press Secretary Sean Spicer told a reporter named “Rebecka Brian” that the Trump administration is “unlikely” to go after legalized states.

MassRoots reporter Tom Angell looked into the quote and found nothing to it. Angell reached out directly to Spicer and received a succinct reply: “I have no clue where that came from.”

So what’s the real story? Where does Sessions stand on cannabis?


Cannabis Stock Index Grew 236% In 2016

Putting money into the marijuana industry has become one of the hot topics for stock market investors.

The internet abounds with articles and a rapidly increasing number of advertisements ready to advise people on what marijuana stocks to invest in and how to maximize a cannabis-heavy stock portfolio.

Some compare it to the tech boom of the late 1990s. Whether that is true remains to be seen.

However, one company offers a fairly straightforward assessment of how cannabis-related stocks have performed. And for 2016, they indicated a growth of 236 percent. By way of comparison, the S&P 500 gained just under 10 percent in 2016.


A Look At Cannabis Concentrates Over The Ages

Cannabis extracts were used for therapeutic and ritual purposes since prehistoric ages. What's next with THC, CBD and terpenes oil, wax and dabs?


Gov. Hickenlooper Gets Real About Problems With Marijuana in Colorado

Want to know what Governor Hickenlooper hates the most about legal pot in Colorado? Just eavesdrop on him like we did on Tuesday afternoon.

He's in California, testifying in front of the state Senate. California has to figure out how to rollout retail weed in 2018, and the Governor told them not to be stupid.


DEA Removes Marijuana Propaganda From Website

Agency now admits weed doesn’t cause cancer or psychosis.

Although the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has all but refused to consider the cannabis plant as having any medicinal application within the confines of the Controlled Substances Act, the nation’s leading drug sniffing hounds recently eliminated some misinformation about the potential dangers of the herb from the its website.


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