United States

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the US

Trump Tuesday: Here’s The Funniest Commercial of This Year’s Super Bowl (And it Only Aired in Washington DC)

The funniest commercial of this year’s Super Bowl only aired in one market, Washington DC. 

The spot was for Cyprus Air, an Alexandria, VA-based heating and cooling company. Viewers on Washington’s Fox affiliate WTTG were treated to a skilled Donald Trump impersonator advertising a promotion for the company.

“This sale is YUGE!” The Trump impersonator said. 

Then a man identified as Joe said, “You want to see huge?”

And then Joe held up his hand. 

The Trump impersonator prodded Joe to put his hand down with a perfectly played sheepish look. Compared to his own hand, Joe’s obviously was yuge. 

Well done, Cyrpus Air. Watch below.


A Neurobiologist Says Medical Marijuana Could Solve the US Opioid Abuse Crisis

Americans are in pain. Over 2.5 million people in the US are addicted to opioids, the US Department of Health and Human Services reports.About 80 die daily from opioid overdoses. It’s gotten so bad that even conservative state legislators want to legalize medical marijuana, arguing it’s a safer, less addictive pain killer.


Cannabics Pharmaceuticals Announces Initial Commercialization of Cannabinoids-Based Personalized Diagnostics for Cancer Patients

Cannabics Pharmaceuticals Inc. (CNBX) today announced it will begin providing personalized cannabinoid anti-tumor tests for cancer patients. The diagnostic tests are based on liquid biopsies of patients suffering from any kind of cancer. The test uses CTC technology that collects cancer cells from patients' blood samples, and tests their sensitivity to cannabinoid compounds alongside conventional chemotherapy medicine.


Here Are 7 Unexpected Health Benefits of Marijuana

Many countries have legalised the use of cannabis or marijuana for medical and recreational use. The use of marijuana for recreational use is still debatable but medical marijuana can be used for many health conditions. The plant is being considered as a miracle herb. However, only 6% of the marijuana studies research its medicinal properties. Marijuana smoking also has negative effects when abused or overused. The user can get addicted and this dependency can lead to emotional and mental issues. Although we are still researching how exactly the herb affects our body, many studies suggest that marijuana has health benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of smoking weed.


Marijuana Mile: Driving Test Highlights Challenges for Massachusetts Lawmakers

A series of driving tests involving volunteers under the influence of marijuana revealed a wide range of effects on drivers, based on their tolerance for the drug and other factors. FOX25 Investigates organized the controlled tests on a closed course, under the supervision of a doctor, law enforcement, and professional driving instructors with In Control Crash Prevention.

While some of the drivers experienced relatively minor problems after smoking increasing amounts of marijuana, at least one driver was involved in the equivalent of a potentially deadly crash, according to professional observers.


Wisconsin Democrats Introduce Bills Aimed at Legalizing Medical Marijuana

A pair of Democratic lawmakers hopes to move Wisconsin closer to legalizing medical marijuana with the introduction on Monday of two pieces of legislation. 

The first bill would legalize the use of medical marijuana for patients with qualifying conditions. The second would put the question to voters in the form of a nonbinding statewide referendum.

It is the hope of the bill's co-sponsors, Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, and Rep. Chris Taylor, D-Madison, that lawmakers who aren't inclined to support legalizing medicinal use of the drug might be supportive of having voters weigh in through a nonbinding referendum.

Neither proposal is likely to gain traction in the Republican-led Legislature, and Gov. Scott Walker does not support legalizing medical marijuana.


San Diego City Council Approves Recreational Marijuana Shops

Voters in California passed Proposition 64 last November, which legalized the growing, possession and sale of marijuana for recreational, or adult use, purposes. And last  week the San Diego City Council voted to make their city the first one to approve the establishment of recreational marijuana shops in their jurisdiction when the shops are allowed statewide, something that is expected to happen in 2018.


Some Doctors Think Medical Marijuana Could Be an Effective Autism Treatment

Some doctors believe medical marijuana could be an effective treatment for children with Autism.

The drug treatment is non-euphoric, or would contain low THC levels,  so kids wouldn’t get high.

Under Florida Amendment 2, doctors should be able to order it for patients,  but there’s a possible hurdle in the way.

There’s a push to have each case go before the Florida Board of Medicine first.

“The board of medicine is not in the consultation with us, they’re not assessing patients one on one like we are.”, said pediatrician Dr. David Berger.

Berger explains that patients with Autism suffer from similar symptoms as people with PTSD, who are now eligible for medical marijuana under the “Compassionate Care Act”.


GW Pharmaceuticals to Develop Oncology Portfolio After Cannabis Medication Shows Promising Results

GW Pharmaceuticals is hoping to develop a treatment for cancer after announcing promising results from an early stage study looking at how its cannabis-based molecules can help patients with the disease.

The trial tested how safe and effective two of GW's cannabis-derived molecules were in 21 patients suffering from glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), an aggressive type of brain tumour.

The results showed that patients treated with GW's drug, in combination with temozolomide, which is the current medication used to treat GBM, had an 83pc one-year survival rate, compared with 53pc for patients in the placebo cohort.

The combination therapy increased median survival to more than 550 days, compared with 369 days for those on the placebo.


The reason synthetic marijuana like K2 or Spice isn't safe

Synthetic marijuana compounds, sometimes called K2 or Spice, are actually chemically different from marijuana, and are more dangerous than pot, according to a new review of studies.

Synthetic marijuana compounds are linked to a number of serious side effects, including seizures, psychosis and even death, the review's authors said.


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