United States

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10 Cannabis Startups You Need to Watch

Long gone are the scary days of Reefer Madness and an insurmountable societal fear of cannabis. CNN's Sanjay Gupta recently blew up a 70-year myth about the enigmatic herb, confirming its medicinal properties. This, while some states are legalizing the herb's recreational use, and even more states already permit medical marijuana and its derivatives.


Growing Good Cannabis Businesses in Detroit

The original Bena Riamba — or "Sons of Hemp" — lived in equatorial West Africa in the 1800s. They were a cannabis cult that had spiritual and medicinal uses for the plant. The Bena Riamba were credited with changing the warlike nature of the Bashilange tribe from which they emerged. 

Detroit's Sons of Hemp has also cast a favorable eye on cannabis. According to a press release they recently sent out, the "Sons of Hemp is ... a diverse group of herbalists, caregivers, and medical patients in the hemp/cannabis industry whose sole purpose is to unite, educate, create opportunities and support ownership in every facet of the hemp and cannabis industry."


Did Colorado Just Resolve a Major Concern of Marijuana Opponents?

New regulations concerning cannabis edibles in Colorado could set a new standard throughout the industry.

For investors, there aren't many industries that can pack as much growth potential as marijuana.

According to cannabis research firm ArcView, legal marijuana sales hit $5.4 billion in 2015, and they're on track to grow by an estimated 30% per year through 2020, thanks to organic growth in states that have already legalized it, as well as the expected legalization of marijuana in a number of new states. For added context, residents in nine states will be voting on a marijuana initiative or amendment in their state in the upcoming election next month.


Trump Tuesday: Seth Meyers Destroys ‘Pervert On The Bus’ Donald Trump

“That is not the way men in locker rooms talk.”

NBC “Late Night” host Seth Meyers perfectly summed up on Monday night how many in America are feeling about Donald Trump right now.


20 Small Business Ideas in the Growing Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry is growing fast. And that means there are plenty of potential business opportunities available for entrepreneurs who are interested in this expanding niche.

Serge Chistov, Chief Financial Advisor for the Honest Marijuana Company and president and founder of Serge Import LLC spoke to Small Business Trends in a phone interview about all the possibilities.


Wall Street's Attraction to Cannabis Continues to Grow

Wall Street is becoming increasingly more focused and attracted to the legal cannabis sector, the fastest growing industry in the world.

From Cowen and Co. picking up coverage on Kush Bottles (KSHB), an OTC stock, to Goldman Sachs initiating coverage on GW Pharmaceuticals (GWPH) with a Buy rating and a $189 price target, it is clear that the tide is turning.

Legal Cannabis Coming

Legal cannabis is coming and the 2016 election will serve as a catalyst to the cannabis industry as a record number of states are voting on some form of legal cannabis.


7 Tips For Going 'National' With Your Marijuana Business

With nine states poised to legalize cannabis next month, an increasing number of my firm’s clients are seeking help on taking their cannabis business national. They want to know what it will take to cross states with their cannabis cultivation centers, their cannabis retail storefronts, or even just with their brand names. If you, too, are looking to present your cannabis business on a national stage, you need to consider the following seven things:

1.  Federal enforcement policies versus federal law.  


Study Finds Marijuana May Increase Amount of Time Seniors Are In The Workforce

Medical marijuana legalization has allowed researchers to discover new and useful aspects of the plant we may not have even thought of before. From treatment of multiple diseases and illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease to lowering body mass index, Marijuana has taken over as one of the most natural and effective remedies known to man.


Cannabis Strains on Bitcoin's Blockchain a Relief for Patients, Growers

A dozen medicinal cannabis cultivators and processors have partnered with Medicinal Genomics to record and track the genetics of cannabis strains on the Bitcoin blockchain to ensure product consistency and quality.


New Mexico Voters Want to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

The majority of the voters in New Mexico would like to see marijuana legalized for recreational purposes, according to a new poll conducted by the Albuquerque Journal.

The survey, which was published this past Sunday, finds that 61 percent of the voting public would support a measure aimed at establishing a taxed and regulated cannabis trade – similar to what is currently underway in Colorado. Only 34 percent of the respondents said they would oppose such a proposal. Others were undecided when asked their position.


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