United States

the states
the US

Connecticut To Promote Expanded Medical Marijuana Research

Reforms to the state's medical marijuana program will allow Connecticut hospitals, universities, growers and dispensaries to conduct research into medical cannabis, supplementing the limited federal research available on the drug's palliative effects.

The Department of Consumer Protection will begin accepting research proposals Oct. 1. The move is part of a number of changes to the medical marijuana law, including a provision to allow patients under 18 to use the drug.


Trump Tuesday: Who, What, Why Did Donald Trump Use the Word 'Bigly'?

The Republican candidate for White House appeared to use an unusual adverb in his debate against Hillary Clinton. Or did he? Jon Kelly investigates.

There was a moment in the first US presidential debate when lots of people asked themselves: "Did Trump just say 'bigly'?" 

Followed quickly by: "Is that even a word?"

It came during a discussion on fiscal policy, when, Donald Trump told his opponent: "I'm going to cut taxes bigly, and you're going to raise taxes bigly." Or so many people thought, anyway.


Medical Cannabis 2016: New Benefits Of Medicinal Marijuana

Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the U.S. resulting in at least 584,881 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recent animal studies show that marijuana extracts can help kill certain cancer cells and even reduce the size of some of them. But, marijuana is still illegal in several states. The number of people who’ve died due to an overdose of marijuana? None.


Nevada Ballot Measure-Marijuana-Things to Know

Nevada joins California, Arizona, Massachusetts and Maine as one of five states voting this November on whether to legalize recreational marijuana. Here are things to know about Question 2:


If the measure passes the statewide ballot in November, it would allow adults to legally possess up to one ounce of marijuana, or 1/8 ounce of concentrated marijuana, effective Jan. 1.

The measure directs the Nevada Department of Taxation to adopt regulations by the end of 2017 on details such as how to issue recreational marijuana business licenses, how to prevent the substance from getting to people under the age of 21 and how to test marijuana's potency.


Trump vs. Clinton: Who's Better on Weed?

Quick: What’s something—perhaps one of the only things—Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump see eye-to-eye on? If you guessed supporting medicinal cannabis legalization efforts moving forward on a state-by-state basis, *bong rips*.

That the respective Democratic and Republican presidential candidates have both expressed support for medicinal weed is certainly notable, especially in what’s become one of the most toxic election cycles in recent memory, possibly ever.

“I think what the states are doing right now needs to be supported,” Clinton told Jimmy Kimmel in March. “I absolutely support all the states that are moving toward medical marijuana, moving toward.”


Third Win for Cannabis Drug in Epilepsy Sends GW to Record High

GW Pharmaceuticals' Epidiolex outpaces placebo in a second trial in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome patients.

Following today's announcement, GW Pharmaceuticals PLC's (NASDAQ:GWPH) Epidiolex has reduced monthly seizure rates in three separate epilepsy trials, including two trials involving patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy. Epidiolex's ability to lower seizure rates in epilepsy patients clears the way for the company to file for FDA approval of Epidiolex next year. If the FDA approves Epidiolex, it will become the first FDA-approved cannabis therapy on the market.


Marijuana Arrests Fall To 20-Year Low, But Someone Is Still Getting Busted About Every Minute

Police made fewer arrests for marijuana-related offenses last year than they have in any year since 1996, according to crime data the FBI released Monday. 

Still, authorities in the U.S. made 643,000 arrests for marijuana-related charges in 2015 ― or about one every 49 seconds. Charges related to the drug accounted for 5.9 percent of all arrests, and about 43.2 percent of all drug arrests. 


The 10 Most Common Misconceptions About Growing Cannabis in Greenhouses

As the cannabis industry continues to gain legal status around the world more and more cannabis growers are learning about commercial scale horticultural production techniques, and of course, that means greenhouse growing. Anxious to grab a piece of the hottest industry of our generation, many consultants have jumped into the picture claiming to be manufacturers and greenhouse experts. Unfortunately these groups are not always well informed and often perpetuate wrong thinking.

Here are the 10 most frequent misconceptions we hear being told to cannabis growers looking to move to greenhouse growing.


Ask the Candidates If They Are Ready to Legalize Marijuana—And, If Not, Why?

Presidential debates, as organized by the lamentable Commission on Presidential Debates, are deliberately boring. Most of the questions asked of the candidates are little more than invitations to repeat their most shopworn talking points. And, worse yet, there has been a recent trend toward asking candidates to critique their opponents — literally asking for more of the talking-head punditry that extinguishes whatever enthusiasm might be generated by a clash of ideas. Ad Policy


New Jersey Could Legalize Marijuana Similar to Cigarettes

It is possible that New Jersey could become one of the first states to tax and regulated marijuana in a manner similar to tobacco – creating one of the most liberal marijuana laws in the United States.

Earlier last week, State Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll introduced a piece of legislation (A4193) aimed at legalizing a recreational cannabis market that would operate under the same restrictions the state already has in place for people who buy cigarettes. The lawmaker's goal is make legal weed available in supermarkets and convienience stores, giving cannabis users the same access to the herb as smokers have for their daily vice.


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