United States

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Florida: Here's What You Need to Know About Amendment 2

Florida voters are poised to make some patients in the state users of medical marijuana. So far, 25 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana while three states and D.C. have legalized marijuana for recreational use. Besides Florida, Missouri and Arkansas will also have medical marijuana legalization on the ballot in November. 


Trump Tuesday: Stephen Colbert Skewers Donald Trump's 'Very Questionable Gandalf' Doctor

Donald Trump and his allies have been questioning Hillary Clinton's health in recent days, but Trump's health is at least as much a mystery, Stephen Colbert said on Monday's Late Show. "I mean, he's got the kind of glow you can only get from being in top shape, or after vacationing at Chernobyl." All we really know about Trump's health is from a one-page note his physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, wrote last December, Colbert added, though "a note from his doctor should be enough — it's how he got out of Vietnam."


Marijuana Social Network Is Coming — for Seniors!

Take it as an indicator in the rapidly changing world of cannabis use, but a group of senior citizens are organizing their own social network to discuss marijuana. Clearly, it’s not just for teenagers anymore.

The group, the Seniors 420 Network, is a way for seniors who use marijuana recreationally and medically to find one another. Proposed goals include finding friends or roommates, identifying business opportunities, buying and selling items, learning tips or tricks, and, of course, organizing to challenge laws against cannabis. 


Lawyer Who Said Growing Marijuana Was Legal Now Faces Lawsuit Accusing Him of Racketeering

A local lawyer who told people they could legally grow marijuana despite a federal law saying the opposite now faces a lawsuit accusing him of profiting off crimes.

Ian Christensen’s law firm told couples like the Yandells that if they medically needed marijuana, he could get them a doctor’s certificate that would protect them from arrest, according to Scott and Marsha Yandell’s lawsuit.


How Big Alcohol Is About to Get Rich Off California Weed

With recreational marijuana on the ballot, some worry that big business will transform the way pot is grown, distributed and sold.

More than 20 years later, Hezekiah Allen remembers the Blackhawk helicopters hovering over his childhood home, the armed soldiers barricading the road to the family’s northern California pot farm, the neighbor who hang-glided to escape from the Feds. More than once, Allen came home from a friend’s house to find his mother and stepfather had been arrested again. 


Study: Medical Marijuana Changes How Employees Use Sick Time

"Fact #1: Legalizing marijuana is bad for the workplace."

That's the stark warning from the Institute for a Drug-Free Workplace, a nonprofit that works to combat drug use among American employees.

"The impact of employee marijuana use is seen in the workplace in lower productivity, increased workplace accidents and injuries, increased absenteeism, and lower morale," the institute writes. "This can and does seriously impact the bottom line."

Does it really, though?


Universalizing Cannabis Consumer Safety Standards

When you buy a bottle of ibuprofen to treat your headache, you know there is a safety standard in place behind what you’re taking. You know exactly the amount of medication you’re ingesting and exactly what the side effects of the medication could be. This is true for all pharmaceutical medications, but not so much for cannabis. Some cannabis professionals are seeking to change this in the near future, however, to help encourage wider acceptance of using the medication and remove some of the age-old stigmas. 


In Mere Minutes, Ultra-Marathoner Wins 420 Games Race In San Francisco

It looks like Avery Collins - the ultra-marathoner who uses cannabis as part of his training regimen - is built for speed as well as distance. The 24-year-old from North Carolina won the third annual 420 Games road race in San Francisco on the weekend in a time of just nine minutes. Mind you, he didn't run 4.2 miles in that time (the race was shortened to two miles at the last minute because of some traffic issues in the area) but that's still really fast.

To prep for the race, the Colorado resident told SFGATE he ate some potato chip edibles and toked a couple of times.


Cannabis Investment: Ex Barclays Banker Spending Big in California

The cannabis sector seems to be attracting many brilliant minds. According to reports, former Barclay’s banker Roger Jenkins is making significant investments in marijuana projects. The cannabis investment by Jenkins, who is now residing in California, goes against the normal antipathy of banks and bankers in getting involved with marijuana industry projects.

Jenkins cannabis investment is part of a group of investors who had recently acquired land in California for expanding the marijuana-related business.

California is gearing up for cannabis vote in November and aims to legalize the adult recreational use of cannabis. The Jenkins group is apparently trying to get a lead on the green rush by taking up valuable land now.


California Cannabis: Show Me The Money

With passage of the Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MCRSA), my firm’s California cannabis lawyers have been representing a steady onslaught of investors looking to get into California’s MMJ industry in some way, shape, or form. And with the vote on Proposition 64 coming up in November, excitement about the Golden State is palpable.

But it’s not all roses when it comes to current California MMJ laws and investing.


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