United States

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the US

Trump Tuesday: Sarcasm Expert John Oliver Calls Out Donald Trump’s ‘Sarcasm’

Not a fan of the Republican presidential nominee.


How Gary Johnson's Marijuana Position Could Affect His Presidential Bid

Will Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson's bid for the White House go up in smoke?

Conditions are ripe for the rise of a candidate like the former New Mexico governor, who is attempting to appeal to disaffected voters by highlighting his record as a socially liberal yet fiscally conservative two-term Republican in a reliably blue state.


Where Does All That Colorado Pot Tax Go?

Colorado is pulling in a significant amount of money by taxing recreational marijuana, but it’s not enough to pave the streets in gold.

In part because supporters of legal pot hyped the potential to raise millions, some Coloradans have been left to wonder why all that money hasn’t revolutionized life in our state.

In the last couple of months, viewers have asked 9NEWS questions like:


“I understand the schools need refurbishing but isn't that what the taxes from the marijuana was supposed to go to?  Why isn't anyone responsible to account for all of that money?”

“When will taxes collected on the passing of the legalization of marijuana actually be distributed to the promised programs?”


Why Some Doctors Feel 'Completely in the Dark' About Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana has been legal in Maine for almost 20 years. But Farmington physician Jean Antonucci says she continues to feel unprepared when counseling sick patients about whether the drug could benefit them.

Will it help my glaucoma? Or my chronic pain? My chemotherapy’s making me nauseous, and nothing’s helped. Is cannabis the solution? Patients hope Antonucci, 62, can answer those questions. But she said she is still “completely in the dark.”


Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission Identifies Medical Marijuana Growers and Processors

The state has awarded preliminary licenses to more than 20 companies to grow and process marijuana in Maryland, a major step forward in the effort to make medical cannabis available to patients in Maryland.

Licenses were awarded Monday to companies across the state, from Washington County in Western Maryland to Worcester County on the Eastern Shore. They plan to grow marijuana plants and turn them into pills, oils, extracts and other products for patients suffering from a range of illnesses.

Several of the winning applicants have political connections.


Advisers Charged in Tribe's Marijuana Resort Enter Pleas

Two consultants who helped a Native American tribe plan the nation's first marijuana resort entered opposing pleas Monday to drug offenses, with the attorney for the man who pleaded not guilty arguing outside of court that South Dakota's top prosecutor is proceeding under a "legal fiction."


Study Sheds Light on Who's Using Marijuana and How They're Using It

A massive study published this month in the Journal of Drug Issues found that the proportion of marijuana users who smoke daily has rapidly grown, and that many of those frequent users are poor and lack a high-school diploma.

Examining a decade of federal surveys of drug use conducted between 2002 and 2013, study authors Steven Davenport and Jonathan Caulkins paint one of the clearest pictures yet of the demographics of current marijuana use in the U.S. They found that the profile of marijuana users is much closer to cigarette smokers than alcohol drinkers, and that a handful of users consume much of the marijuana used in the U.S.


Neuroscientist Studies Long-Term Effects of Medical Marijuana

Staci Gruber vividly remembers her first hit of marijuana, back when she was in college. It made her so paranoid, she locked herself in a bathroom. She couldn’t decide whether to remain in hiding or to run. But she knew she’d never try pot again.

She didn’t lose interest in the drug, however. Today, she runs the 2-year-old Marijuana Investigations for Neuroscientific Discovery, or MIND, project at McLean Hospital in this suburb of Boston. With cognitive testing and neuroimaging, MIND is conducting a longitudinal study of medical marijuana.


New Medical Marijuana Policy Is a Catch-22, Researchers Say

Medical research on marijuana probably won't get any easier, experts say, despite a new government policy aimed at boosting the supply of the drug for medical studies.

That means the types of studies that are needed to address the safety and effectiveness of the drug as a medicine could still be a long way off.


A Budding Startup: Israeli Leaf Raises $2 Million for Smart Cannabis Growing System

Cannabis cultivation need not be disorganized or dirty. And yes, this gives a whole new meaning to a “seed round.”

While public opinion in Israel and worldwide is divided about the legalization of marijuana, the technological experts are not waiting. Even the almighty Microsoft is already involved.  Leaf, a startup developing an automated system for cannabis cultivation, announced a $2 million seed (pun intended) funding round on Sunday.


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