United States

the states
the US

How Can Cannabis Help People with Sickle Cell Anemia?

Cannabis has been used medicinally for a very long time. People have employed this resinous flower to treat symptoms from minor physical discomfort to epilepsy and arthritis, and now, sickle cell anemia.

What Is Sickle Cell Anemia?

Sickle cell anemia is a blood disease. Healthy blood cells are shaped like donuts without a hole. These disc-shaped organisms are small, but contain our genetic code and, more importantly, our oxygen. Oxygen, as I’m sure you know, is what we breathe, and most times when our oxygen supply is put in jeopardy, so are our lives.


Pressure is on the U.S. to relax marijuana’s legal status

The legal mari­juana industry in Colorado is fed up with state and local government officials seizing and destroying their crops and mari­juana-infused products. The state has seen dozens of recalls of contaminated pot this year, triggered by positive tests for pesticides banned for use on mari­juana in Colorado.

Businesses say they have no way to challenge the test results before their products are removed from commerce. Two Denver-based businesses—EdiPure, which sells mari­juana-infused edibles, and Organa Labs, which makes mari­juana products for vaping—are appealing recalls by the city of Denver. They claim that the city relied on shoddy tests results from an uncertified laboratory.


Help Wanted: The 8 Most Popular Jobs in the Marijuana Industry

Pot is a big business and only destined to get bigger. Legal sales last year reached $5.7 billion, up more than a billion dollars over the previous year. Sales this year are expected to top $7.1 billion.

This fall, we're likely to see marijuana legalization initiatives win in a handful of states—Arizona, California, Nevada, Maine, Massachusetts—which would more than triple the size of the legal marijuana market in the county. The combined population of the legal states so far is about 16 million; the population of California alone is more than 38 million. If all five initiative states vote for marijuana this year, the size of the legal market would grow to more than 55 million.


Marijuana’s biggest adversary on Capitol Hill is sponsoring a bill to research…marijuana

Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) is Congress's most vocal opponent of legal marijuana, having single-handedly spearheaded a provision blocking legal pot shops in the District of Columbia in 2014. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), on the other hand, was recently named Congress's "top legal pot advocate" by Rolling Stone.


DEA To Reclassify Marijuana, Effectively Legalizing Medical Cannabis, Report Says

The DEA will officially reclassify cannabis as a prescription-only, Schedule II drug on Aug. 1, 2016, a report published on the weekend claims. If true, that means medical marijuana could be legal by prescription — and perhaps only by prescription — in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the US territories. Note: Reporters at The Daily Chronic question the accuracy of this report.


Former NFL players come out in support of medical marijuana

Former Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon is suffering through Early Onset Dementia. It’s a disease usually reserved for the elderly. One that impacts your memory, thought process and cognitive abilities.

McMahon, who played 15 seasons in the NFL, is just 56 years old.

The former Super Bowl winning quarterback joined multiple ex-NFL players at the Cannabis World Congress and Business Expo this past week to advocate for the use of medical marijuana in the league.


Can Hemp, Long Overshadowed by Marijuana, Rise as an Industry?

Cliff Thomason left the real estate business last year to become something of a pioneer: a hemp farmer.

The Grants Pass, Oregon, man was the first in the state to legally grow hemp, after Oregon began licensing growers in 2014, joining 17 other states nationwide that have differentiated hemp from marijuana and set up separate regulatory systems for growing it. But Thomason is one of only 43 farmers in the state targeting their efforts at producing seed and fiber, as opposed to the cannabidiol oil extracted from hemp stalk and used both as a balancer of the psychoactive properties of marijuana and a purely medicinal product, easing symptoms from back pain to anxiety. In the booming cannabis industry, hemp has become a neglected stepchild.


Radical Rant: Why Is Marijuana Being Sin-Taxed?

As we continue to legalize marijuana, state by state we see widely differing schemes of taxing the herb. From a low of Massachusetts’ proposed 3.75 percent state tax to Washington State’s 37 percent state tax, every state has come up with something different.

Besides the obvious answer, “Because they can,” it’s interesting to consider how we apply taxes to other agricultural goods. No matter how you look at it, marijuana consumers are bearing an unfair burden of taxation.


Watch: Profiting Off Pot - America's $5B Legal Marijuana Business

June 17 -- Robert Hunt, Tuatara Capital partner, discusses the booming 5 billion dollar business of marijuana, and how the industry is churning in profits. Video featuring Bloomberg's Oliver Renick and Scarlet Fu on "Bloomberg Markets."

The multibillion-dollar marijuana industry could soon come out of the 'gray market'

The Senate Appropriations Committee voted on Thursday to allow banks to provide financial services to legal recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries, according to The Denver Post.

Marijuana is still listed as a Schedule 1 substance by the federal government, so marijuana businesses in states where recreational use is legal, like Colorado, are forced to operate on an all-cash basis.


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