United States

the states
the US

Has DARE Gone Soft on Marijuana?

Like other Americans who came of age in the 1980s or '90s, I associate Drug Abuse Resistance Education, a.k.a. DARE, with the mindless "Just Say No" propaganda of that era. I was therefore startled to hear that DARE had endorsed marijuana legalization. But that turned out to be a mistake. Likewise recent reports that DARE no longer considers marijuana a "gateway drug" and has excised the perils of pot from its curriculum.


Cannabis Grower, Dispensaries To Donate One-Tenth Of Sales To Bernie Sanders' Campaign

Two affiliated Oregon-certified, OMMP-compliant marijuana dispensaries, along with a cannabis grower, have reportedly teamed up to donate 10 percent of their sales of a particular cannabis product to Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.


US Senate Vote Could Finally Allow Cannabusinesses Banking Access

It’s been a couple years now since Colorado and Washington first legalized recreational use and sale of marijuana. In that time we’ve seen lots of changes, but one of the most important things that needs to change, but simply hasn’t, is the lack of banking access for cannabis companies.

One of the most dangerous things about the current legal status of marijuana is the continued cash-only nature of the business. Dispensaries operating in big cities like Denver or Portland face a much higher risk of robbery than the smaller towns, but for each and every one of them it should be considered a very real possibility.


Federal Agents Seizing Far Less Marijuana At The Southern Border

Is less marijuana entering the US from Mexico today than in years past? According to newly released data provided by the US Border Patrol, the answer may be ‘yes.’

Federal statistics reveal that law enforcement seized an estimated 1.5 million pounds of marijuana at the US/Mexico border in 2015. That total is the lowest amount reported in a decade and continues a steady year-by-year decline in seizure volume that began in 2009, when nearly 4 million tons of cannabis were confiscated.


Which country is really the No. 1 consumer of marijuana?

If you go by United Nation figures, Icelanders consume the most cannabis as a percentage of the national population. However, if you take a closer look at the numbers, that doesn’t mean much.

More than 18% of the Icelandic population consumed cannabis throughout the year in 2012, topping the U.S.’s reported 15.4% during 2013, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The U.N. figures are largely self-reported and the years the data were collected vary by country.


Bernie Sanders: I've Done Marijuana Twice..it Made Me Cough a Lot' – Video

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says, on Monday during a campaign rally in Michigan, that he has tried marijuana twice in his life when he was very young. He adds that the drug made him cough a lot. Sanders also said Heroin addiction must be tackled but dismisses comparisons between the “killer drug” and marijuana.



America's Marijuana Exchange and the Wall Street Vets Behind It

Legal marijuana is a $5 billion business in the U.S., and Steve Janjic figured he’d get a piece of it. With a commodity exchange. For a product that can’t be transported across state lines.

Not to worry. “It’s never easy to pioneer an industry,” says Janjic, a former foreign-exchange executive at Tullett Prebon LLC who has put $1 million into Amercanex Corp., an electronic cannabis-trading platform that handles sales of about 100 to 150 pounds of weed a week.


High Times with Aspen's Cannabis Kingpin

Silverpeak Apothecary is the only cannabis shop in Aspen, and probably all of Colorado—perhaps the world—where a 74-year-old, four-foot-eleven, bespectacled Jewish grandmother greets you at the door. “I’ll show you around,” Ellen Haas cooed last September as I entered the shop on East Cooper Avenue, hidden below street level, near a Rolex retailer, a Ralph Lauren boutique, and a Lululemon store. A retired fashion designer, Haas first ventured into Silverpeak to seek relief for her rheumatoid arthritis. “I educate people now,” she told me, clutching my arm with surprising strength.


The marijuana industry has a dirty little secret

Moving the black market in marijuana into the light has been a boon for state tax coffers, entrepreneurs and cannabis users, but an inconvenient fact went unaddressed in the process: Potentially dangerous chemicals are used to grow it.

That changed last fall, when a Colorado newspaper’s investigation found shelves stocked with products grown using pesticides that hadn’t been approved for cannabis farming, spurring a rush of legal, regulatory and business activity.

Since then, states have quickly drawn up regulations, companies have seen their products and methods put under the microscope — sometimes taking big hits to their businesses — and cannabis product and pesticide buyers have filed lawsuits against their manufacturers.


Hawaii Lawmakers Unanimously Pass Bill to Legalize Hemp

Hawaii’s full House of Representatives has given unanimous approval to legislation that woud explicitly legalize the cultivation, production and distribution of hemp in the state. The measure – House Bill 2555 – now heads to the Senate, where it’s expected to pass.

Under the proposed law, introduced by Representative Kaniela Ing (D-Kihei) with 34 cosponsors, those wanting to cultivate hemp will be legally authorized to do so, as long as they receive a license from the state’s Department of Argiculture.

“Farmers called for the legalization of industrial hemp, and I am ecstatic to help answer that call”, says Rep. Ing, who calls the measure “the most robust industrial hemp bill being considered this year,” saying it follows models in Kentucky and Colorado.


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