United States

the states
the US

Amercanex to Launch ACEpay, Cash Management for the Cannabis Industry

Amercanex says it has now resolved two of the biggest hurdles facing cannabis regulators: cash management and unified seed to sale tracking.

Amercanex, the American Cannabis Exchange, will begin offering ACEpay, a treasury and cash management system that allows ACE Marketplace participants to deposit cash as well as pay their bills, payroll and taxes in compliance with local regulations.


LA's South Bay Has Become One of California's Last Pockets of Marijuana Prohibition

As most of California is making it easier to get marijuana, the cities of Los Angeles's South Bay are moving fast to shut down even legal weed sales and use. In anticipation of state legislators' plans to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes, several South Bay cities—which seem to be in deep opposition to weed in all its forms—are mounting an offensive of "sweeping bans on every kind of marijuana dispensary and delivery service, cultivation and manufacturing process," reports the Daily Breeze.


31 Days Until Julian Marley's Look at California Cannabis Business Exposition

Julian Marley, kid of reggae legend Bob Marley and a successful reggae musician in his own right, will be on hand to welcome fans at the California Marijuana Company Exposition March 4 and 5 at the Hilton Union Square, San Francisco.


Florida Medical Marijuana Is Back From The Dead

Florida has a love/hate relationship with marijuana. You may not know it, but Florida has a very limited medical marijuana program that its legislature adopted in 2014 and that’s been entangled in legal challenges almost from its inception. In the same year, Florida also tried passing a medical marijuana constitutional amendment (Amendment 2) by a vote of the people that would have created a more robust medical marijuana marketplace. This year, that ballot initiative will again be making its way back to the voters.


Cannabis coffee is now a thing, and it's tripping us out

Forget blazing – it’s brewing that looks to be all the rage amongst stoners in 2016.

Now that 24 states have legalised medical marijuana, green-fingered weed lovers in the US have become uncharacteristically productive and invented a line of coffee products that could make your morning commute a whole lot more relaxing.

California-based Ganja Grindz has become the first company to sell marijuana-infused coffee beans, filters, pods and tea bags to multiple states in the US, and promise to help you “brew your buzz” by using the most potent cannabis oil available.


Ricky Williams touts cannabis as NFL's pain management solution

By now, it's no secret that Ricky Williams is a cannabis supporter.

It's why the former NFL running back took part in a panel of former players over the weekend at the 2016 SoCal Medical Cannabis Cup, where he explained how his use of the drug helped him deal with the pain associated with football.

"I got to a point in my career where I realized, 'I'm not going to be able to do this much longer,'" Williams said, via the Austin American-Statesman.


Touch vs. No Touch Cannabis Companies

By Luke Burgess

I flew out to Denver last week with Green Chip Stocks editor Jeff Siegel and a few of his subscribers.

The purpose of our trip was to meet with some of the players in Colorado's booming billon-dollar cannabis industry and to get a firsthand account of the legal bud biz now that much of the dust has settled.

We had a chance to visit a few different types of growing operations and talk with several owners and distributors about law, finances, marketing, and risk associated with the cannabis industry.

I won't bore you with a bunch of photos of pot plants I took while on the trip. Basically, if you've seen one pot plant, you've seen them all, right?


Organic Cannabis? One Colorado Hemp Farm Has Earned The USDA’s Blessing

Colorado is now home to some of the nation’s first certified organic cannabis, which comes with a blessing from federal regulators. CBDRx, a Longmont, Colorado cannabis farm, has secured a certification to market its products with the organic seal from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a major coup for the plant’s enthusiasts.

“As long as the industrial hemp is grown according to the Farm Bill, it can be certified organic to the USDA National Organic Program,” wrote Penelope Zuck, the agency’s organic program accreditation manager, in an email correspondence obtained by KUNC.


Recreational Marijuana Sales Are Up 184%. Is That A Good Thing?

In news that will likely be celebrated by cannabis advocates and marijuana industry stakeholders alike, a new report concludes recreational marijuana sales skyrocketed from $351 million in 2014 to $998 million in 2015 — a 184 percent increase. The data come from the fourth edition of "The State of Legal Marijuana Markets," a joint report from the research wing of the ArcView Group, a marijuana industry investment firm, and New Frontier, a cannabis analytics firm.


US veteran’s children taken away over his use of medical marijuana

Raymond Schwab with his family in undated photo. ‘People who don’t understand the medical value of cannabis are tearing my family apart,’ said the father of five.

Tensions running high between courts, family attorneys and child protective services, who are unsure where lines are drawn in a world of legalized cannabis

When Raymond Schwab talks about his case, his voice teeters between anger and sadness.

“People who don’t understand the medical value of cannabis are tearing my family apart,” says the Kansas father and US veteran, who has a prescription for marijuana in neighboring Colorado, where it is legal.


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