United States

the states
the US

ZoomAway Travel Inc (CVE:ZMA) Announces Plans To Research And Pursue Opportunites In The Cannabis Hospitality And Tourism Industry In The United States

ZoomAway Travel Inc (CVE:ZMA) has announced that ZoomAway, Inc, its subsidiary based in Nevada has started a research on Unites States’ upcoming Cannabis Hospitality and Tourism Industry. The Cannabis Hospitality and Tourism industry in the United States is growing at a high rate following the legalization of Marijuana by several states including Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Massachusetts, Maine, Colorado, California and Alaska.


Cannabis Provides a Pot of Gold for University Scholarships

Colorado’s excise tax set to raise millions of dollars to support college access.

Two US communities are giving new meaning to the term “higher education”.

Pueblo and Adams counties in Colorado – one of the growing number of states that have legalised the sale of recreational marijuana – are putting proceeds from taxes on weed into what appear to be the world’s first cannabis-supported university scholarships.

After all, said Sal Pace, the commissioner of Pueblo County, other scholarships in the US are already underwritten by taxes on alcohol sales and proceeds from long-odds government-sanctioned lotteries.

Unlike with a lottery ticket, Pace said, “At least with cannabis, you get what you pay for.”


Could Hemp Replace Oranges as Florida's Agricultural Powerhouse?

Hemp, Inc.


As Pot Industry Ramps up in Massachusetts Get the Rules Right

Recreational marijuana is going to be big business in this state. Pot-infused chocolates. “Canna-tourism.” Estimates put annual sales at $1 billion once the industry gets going. And with so much money blowing around, and significant health and safety issues at stake, it is vital that the state get regulation right.

That’s why lawmakers should approve a bill that would expand the size of the commission that will oversee the marijuana trade, broaden its expertise, and make it less susceptible to influence, or “capture,” by the industry.


Vegas Senator Pushes For An Early Start To Nevada's Recreational Cannabis Market

A Las Vegas Democrat is seeking to start recreational marijuana sales in Nevada at least a few weeks earlier than planned - in case something extends the state’s current timeline, he said at a hearing last Friday.

Sen. Tick Segerblom wants pot sales to begin by mid-June.

State regulators are already working toward a July 1 launch, which would be six months ahead of a voter-mandated deadline.

The state will be ready by then to license medical marijuana dispensaries to ring up the state’s first sales of pot bought for fun - not treatment, Department of Taxation Director Deonne Contine said.


Oakland Setting up Cannabis Permit System to Fail

Chip Moore, the CEO of 4&20 Blackbirds, a cannabis delivery company, exemplifies the equity applicant Oakland’s cannabis ordinance is supposed to help. 

But Moore, who is black, hasn’t seen anything but obstacles in his effort to build a legitimate business. 

The delays in Oakland’s enactment of its permit system for pot businesses have chased away investors, Moore told me. Because the Oakland City Council can’t get its act together, he hasn’t felt comfortable purchasing a warehouse. And without a place to operate, Moore says he won’t even be eligible for an equity permit.

So this is how the council is creating equity in a multibillion-dollar industry: by making it incredibly difficult for someone like Moore to get off the ground. 


Minnesota Medical Marijuana Company in Jeopardy After Shipping Cannabis Oil to New York

Two ex-executives from Minnesota Medical Solutions are being charged for sending $500,000 worth of cannabis oil across state lines, and could be bringing the entire company down with them.

With a limited medical marijuana system already in place, Minnesota has become a dim beacon of hope in a region of the country that has typically turned their nose up at cannabis use in any way, shape, or form. With two recreational bills sitting in front of lawmakers, the state is inching ever closer to a more progressive stance on marijuana.


In South Carolina, Parents And Pastors Make Pleas For Legalizing Medical Marijuana

South Carolina Rep. Eric Bedingfield once shunned all marijuana use, but when his eldest son’s six-year struggle with opioid addiction ended with his overdose a year ago, the conservative Republican co-sponsored medical cannabis legislation.

"My mindset has changed from somebody who looked down on it as a negative substance to saying, 'This has benefits,' " Bedingfield said recently.

The 50-year-old teetotaller believes marijuana may effectively wean addicts from an opioid dependence. Ultimately, the Marine veteran hopes medical marijuana can be an alternative to people being prescribed OxyContin or other opioid painkillers to begin with, helping curb an epidemic he’s seen destroy families of all economic levels.


Marijuana Equipment Start-Ups Flourish as Large Rivals Avoid Legal Pitfalls

Marijuana’s uncertain legal status across the country has unleashed a network of innovators and entrepreneurs into a space that would ordinarily be filled with name-brand manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and federally funded research universities.

These small “cannabusinesses” are rushing to fill niches and make money in a field where the drug's illegal status at the federal level has made many start-up basics — from getting a new machine to accessing credit — far more challenging. Colorado, for instance, boasts a cottage industry of innovation because it was one of the first states to legalize recreational cannabis sales to adults, and also has a highly educated, youthful workforce.


Trump Tuesday: Stephen Colbert Slams Donald Trump’s ‘Bureau of Obvious Nepotism’

“Somebody keeps putting totally unqualified people in charge of really important stuff.”

Stephen Colbert ripped President Donald Trump for hiring his own son-in-law for a key job in a newly created department. 


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