

Congress Gives Thumbs-Up to VA Doctors on Medical Pot

But Vets Will Still Smoke at White House

Marijuana reform advocates celebrated Thursday as Congress approved a spending bill amendment aiming to allow Veterans Health Administration doctors to authorize medical pot use for patients – but activists pressing for deeper reform still intend to smoke illegally and lay in the street in acts of civil disobedience near the White House on Friday.

The legislative win follows a Senate committee’s April passage of the same amendment in a 20-10 vote. The House’s Thursday vote, 233-189, featured 57 Republicans joining all but five Democrats in favor. Last year, the House narrowly rejected the measure, but the Senate then passed it as part of the underlying bill and did so again Thursday.


Friday Funny: Surprise! Hiding Weed In Your Wendy’s Baconator Won’t Outsmart The Cops

We here at UPROXX make no claims of being a foremost authority on how to hide weed. That said, stuffing pot on your Baconator isn’t exactly a Harry Hoduni-esque bit of cop-tricking sorcery. Hard to believe, we know. One West Virginia Wendy’s customer found this out the hard way.


Senators move to give veterans access to medical marijuana

The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday passed an amendment that would let Veterans Affairs doctors discuss and recommend marijuana as a potential medical treatment in states where it is legal.

An addition to the fiscal 2017 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies appropriations bill, the bipartisan amendment sponsored by Sen. Steve Daines, R-Montana, and Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon, would let VA doctors discuss marijuana as a potential medical treatment, similar to the allowances given civilian physicians in medical marijuana states.

The move marks the second time senators have tried to improve access to medical marijuana for veterans who are treated at VA medical facilities and want to use marijuana for medical purposes.


East Coast to Celebrate Marijuana by Passing a Joint through 13 States

From Maine to Miami, supporters of the cannabis movement are going to pass a torch symbolically shaped as a joint to garner support and show a united front in the fight to legalize marijuana.

It’s organized by the East Coast Cannabis Coalition (ECCC) and the so-called Unity Cypher begins its journey in Portland, Maine on April 14th, making  stops in NH, CT, NY, NJ, PA, DE, ME, DC, VA, NC, SC, GA, and FL. Along the way, organizers promise an appearance (and great photo op) at the United National General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) in New York City on April 19 and the National Cannabis Festival in Washington D.C. on April 23.


12 Amazing Health Benefits of Marijuana

In the past, whenever marijuana was mentioned, the first thing that popped into most people’s mind is the adverse health effects associated with smoking pot. However, this perception is quickly changing owing to the numerous scientific studies which show that marijuana has some medicinal properties. The findings of these studies have also significantly contributed to the legalization of medical marijuana in several countries around the world.


The Medical Marijuana Mess: A Prescription for Fixing a Broken Policy

In 2013, Patrick and Beth Collins were desperate. Thirteen‐year‐old Jennifer, the younger of their two children, faced a life‐threatening situation. In response, the Collins family took extreme measures—sending Jennifer thousands of miles away in the company of her mother. Beth and Jennifer became refugees from a capricious government whose laws threatened Jennifer’s health, the family’s safety, and the life they had built together.


Bill Allowing Medical Marijuana Oil Goes to Governor

Virginia lawmakers are paving the way for the production and distribution of medical marijuana oils. 

Senate Bill 701 passed in both houses of the Virginia General Assembly. The bill allows for the eventual production and distribution of cannabis oils, which supporters say can ease conditions for people with severe epilepsy.

The bill now goes to Governor Terry McAuliffe’s desk for his signature.


Eugene Monroe Suggests the NFL Should Change Its Stance on Marijuana

Monroe and others think that marijuana is an effective and safe solution for pain relief.

While there's slowly been a growing and serious discussion about marijuana and its legality in this country, we've hardly seen any such talk in the NFL. The substance has been somewhat of a taboo subject in league circles, with league officials hardly even entertaining discussion about changing their stances on marijuana in football.


Bill Passes to Allow Medical Marijuana Oil in Virginia

 Big news today for children and adults hoping to get a form of medical marijuana to treat epilepsy.

The General Assembly has passed a bill allowing cannabidiol, or CBD, to be produced and distributed in Virginia.

Senator Dave Marsden said,

"Marijuana is a plant and there is a process by which you can derive these oils from that plant that can help people, and help our young children."

Senator Dave Marsden sponsored the bill which expands on last year's legislation that allows people with epilepsy to have the oil in their possession.


Hemp Manufacturing Legalized in the Commonwealth

RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- The Manufacturing of Industrial Hemp for commercial purposes was approved according to Virginia's Legislation Information System.

Governor Terry McAuliffe signed the bill after it passed the General Assembly 138 - 0.

This bill will allow farmers to legally manufacture industrial hemp products. The law will go into effect July 1, 2016 according to the Virginia Industrial Hemp Coalition (VIHC).


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