

Cannabis Legislation 2017: We’re Tracking All Legalization Bills

Most state legislatures reconvene in early January, and by February they’re in full swing, moving some bills forward and killing others in committee. This year 27 state legislatures are considering bills pertaining to cannabis in some form. (Well, okay: 26. Mississippi had two medical marijuana bills, but they’re already dead.) Some states are pushing full adult-use legalization. Others are pulling back on medical legalization measures adopted by voters last November. We’ll keep tracking them as they live and die. Most state legislatures adjourn by early June. Stay tuned.


Washington: 'NOT FOR KIDS' Label Comes To Marijuana-Infused Edible Products

You won’t have to worry about unclear labels on any pot-infused sweets in Washington state after Valentine’s Day. A rule to help keep children from getting more than just a sugar high goes into full effect Tuesday.

Jasmine Hargrove, a shop manager in Olympia, said she’s already seen some items with the new label.

“We’ve been getting in products for the past couple of months that are coming with the new ‘not for kids’ sticker,” Hargrove said. “It’s a bright red stop hand and it says ‘NOT FOR KIDS’ on it. And I believe it has the poison control number on it as well.”

Many edible pot products look strikingly similar to candy, cookies, and other tempting treats you might find at the grocery store.


Hemp and Pot Restrictions Not Dying Fast Enough

The push for legalization—particularly farming—is being hampered by in a number of ways.

I finally escaped Washington, D.C., last month, arriving by car with my girlfriend as new residents of Seattle early this month.

I've welcomed most of the changes I've seen here—apart from the Lenin Statue near our apartment. The traffic is lighter. The food is better. The people are nicer. The neighborhoods are more walkable. The mountains are beautiful. Most politicians and bureaucrats are further away.


Is Marijuana Money the Answer to Fund Washington Schools?

In a flashback to 2015, some Republican legislators are looking to marijuana revenue as a possible solution to Washington’s education-funding problems. Democrats aren’t totally opposed but say there’s not nearly enough pot money to fill the school funding holes.

It’s a question that Republican senators have asked during state budget battles from time to time: Why can’t Washington, flush with marijuana tax revenue far outpacing old projections, use that money to help solve the state’s school-funding crisis?

Well, it can. To a small extent it already does. And there is at least surface-level bipartisan agreement that maybe the state should look at pot money as a partial solution to the education-funding gap that the Supreme Court has ordered the Legislature to fill.


Thriving Washington Cannabis Industry Faces Bitcoin Ban


Marijuana, the wonder plant as some call it is going through a liberation phase in the United States. In 37 out of 50 states have relaxed the laws regarding the sale and use of marijuana and its derivatives in the past few years. Most of these states approve of the medical use of marijuana while a handful also makes an exception for recreational use. But these relaxations come with riders to make it difficult for businesses dealing with cannabis.


Washington Proposes Confusing Bitcoin Amendment to Legal Marijuana

It’s a well-established trope in the mainstream financial press and even in much of the modern consciousness that Bitcoin is merely the Cayman Islands of currencies. Criminals use it to hide their money (same as they do cash, but with more efficiency) from the government. While Bitcoin is nearly impossible to actually eradicate itself, the fear of government intervention to prevent merchants from using the currency has long pervaded conversations about Bitcoin.


Want to Buy a Cannabis Store? For $50 Million You Can Own Six

Looking to get into Washington state’s retail cannabis market? For $50 million, you can start out at the very top.

That’s the pitch from owners of Main Street Marijuana and Uncle Ike’s, the two top-selling cannabis retailers in the state. The pair announced this week that both companies, six storefronts in total, are officially on the market.

The owners aren’t exactly desperate to get out, Uncle Ike’s owner Ian Eisenberg told Leafly. But for $50 million, they wouldn’t say no.

“Everything’s for sale at the right price,” Eisenberg said. “We always have interest, and if anybody’s serious, at least they can avoid a lot of wasted time.”


New HB 1060 Bill Would Allow Medical Marijuana in Washington Schools

Under parental supervision, students would be able to consume medical marijuana to stop seizures.

For children with epilepsy and other seizure inducing conditions, medical marijuana can be a lifesaver. Whether it means being able to sit through an entire class period, or in some cases just functioning in everyday life, there is no doubt that strains such as Charlotte’s Web and CBD oils are a huge help.

But for children around the country, even in states with legal medical or recreational cannabis, taking marijuana on school grounds has continued to cross the line of the law - until now.


As marijuana use increases, societal perceptions are altering

A new report, seeking to understand if perceptions about marijuana use are changing with the greater liberalization in the U.S., has found the most significant affect to be among eighth- and tenth-graders.

The research is focused on Washington (Washington and Colorado became the first two states to legalize recreational use of marijuana for adults in 2012). The influence of the legalization on young people, and in shaping societal attitudes in general, has for a while being the topic of the debate. The research, conducted by the University of California Davis School of Medicine, set-out to separate fact from fiction.


Risky Business: Marijuana Real Estate Boom Or Bust?

The Denver Post recently did a story on how cannabis businesses are having to pay sky-high rents nationwide. In Portland, for instance, commercial real estate that typically rents for five dollars per square foot goes for three times that amount for cannabis businesses. Though rents for cannabis businesses in Washington and Colorado are stable, they are considerably higher than the lease rates for any other business, and real estate investors looking to lease to cannabis businesses are mostly betting this trend will continue.


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