

Wisconsin: Lawmakers To Consider New Rules For Accessing Marijuana-Based Medication

CBD oil is derived from cannabis, making it difficult to obtain legally in Wisconsin.

State legislators are trying again to pass a law addressing access to a marijuana-based medication for families with children who suffer from a rare seizure disorder.

A state law passed last year legalized cannabidiol, or CBD oil, for medical purposes, as long as the liquid doesn't contain the THC that gives pot users a high. The bill that will get a hearing on Tuesday removes a requirement that families must get a prescription to obtain the cannabidiol, along with rules for who may legally dispense it, in an effort to improve access to CBD.


Double Standard? Marijuana Or Hemp? DEA Indian Tribe Raid Raises Questions

Taking advantage of a 2014 Justice Department memo giving Indian tribes a green light to participate in marijuana commerce, as well as a 2014 congressional vote allowing for industrial hemp pilot programs, Wisconsin’s Menominee Tribe earlier this year planted some 30,000 cannabis plants as part of a pilot project with the College of the Menominee Nation.

Last Friday, the DEA came and cut them all down.


A look at medical marijuana in Illinois' neighbor states

Illinois isn’t the first state in the Midwest to allow medical marijuana. Minnesota and Michigan have active cannabis programs for patients, while other nearby states are considering legislation. Some states allow children with seizures to be treated with cannabidiol oil, or CBD, a marijuana extract.

Here’s a look at where Illinois’ neighbor states stand:

- Wisconsin: Allows possession of non-psychoactive CBD oil to treat seizure disorder. Legislation to allow adults to use marijuana for recreational or medical reasons has been introduced, but it is unlikely to pass the Republican-controlled Legislature.


New documents detail marijuana found on Menominee Tribal land

Federal documents released Monday outline what authorities found on Menominee Tribal land before a search warrant was done last Friday.

On Friday near Suring, federal and local authorities say they seized 30,000 marijuana plants from the land. No one has been arrested.

Now they say someone from Colorado was growing it.

Throughout the allegations, the Tribe maintains it was growing hemp for research, not marijuana.

Days before the thousands of plants were loaded into dump trucks, Menominee Police officers and a Bureau of Indian Affairs agent toured the land.

The affidavits show inside this barn authorities found more than eleven-hundred plants drying, restricted ventilation and workers with no protective gear.


DEA Raid on Tribe's Cannabis Crop Infuriates and Confuses Reformers

Authorities claim the plants were marijuana, not hemp – but evidence is lacking.

Federal agents swarmed the Menominee Indian tribe's Wisconsin reservation Friday and eradicated 30,000 cannabis plants, confusing and alarming tribal leaders, policy reformers and attorneys who work with other American Indian tribes considering growing marijuana or hemp.

Menominee leaders say the plants were intended for lawful research into growing industrial hemp, which is processed and utilized for fiber, food and oil and is distinguishable from marijuana by its lower levels of the high-inducing compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).


Agents seize marijuana plants on Menominee tribal land

The seizure of 30,000 marijuana plants Friday on land belonging to the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin constituted a raid on an unlawful marijuana grow operation and not the destruction of an industrial hemp crop as the tribe asserts, a federal prosecutor said.

Gregory J. Haanstad, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin said the plants weighed several thousand pounds.

Federal agents descended upon County Road M west of Suring in Menominee County on Friday morning with front-end loaders to place the plants into county highway department trucks, WBAY-TV in Green Bay reported.

Agents worked at several locations while Menominee County sheriff's deputies stood guard in tactical gear with assault rifles, according to a post on the station's website.


9 Wisconsin Cities Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

Nine of the ten largest cities in Wisconsin have established local ordinances decriminalizing minor marijuana possession offenses.

The fines range from just $50 (in Milwaukee) up to $1,000 (in Green Bay). Most citywide ordinances do not enforce criminal sanctions unless the quantity of marijuana possessed exceeds 25 grams.

One of the ordinances imposes a maximum fine of only $100 for anyone found in the possession of up to 28 grams of marijuana. Another amended local law makes possession of up to five grams of marijuana punishable by no more than a $100 fine.


Northeast Wisconsinites: Legalize medical marijuana

A survey of more than 4,600 Northeast Wisconsinites found 3/4 of them, represented by leaves, want medical marijuana legalized. Roughly 20 %, the red dots, are adamantly opposed to legalizing it.(Photo: Source: Rep. Reid Ribble constituent survey data)

WASHINGTON – If it were up to northeast Wisconsinites, medical marijuana would be legal.

A recent survey of more than 4,600 residents in the state’s 8th Congressional District, which stretches from Door County through Green Bay and Appleton, found a whopping 74 % believe it has real therapeutic properties and should be available for medical use.

Some 41 % of those say it should require a prescription, while the other 33 % say it should be sold over the counter.


Qualifying Conditions For Cannabis By State


Qualifying conditions to become a medical marijuana patient in Alaska include:

  • Cancer
  • Glaucoma
  • Cachexia (wasting syndrome)
  • Nausea
  • Muscle spasms
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Pain
  • Seizures

For a complete list of qualifying conditions and guidelines, please refer to Alaska’s application for medical marijuana registry



Qualifying conditions to become a medical marijuana patient in Arizona include:


A 'deal with the devil'? Native American tribes push for marijuana legalization

Two Wisconsin tribes, the Menominee and the Ho-Chunk, look to follow South Dakota’s Flandreau Santee Sioux, seeing a potential revenue stream – but it could force them to cede some of their sovereignty to federal and local governments

With 23 US states having legalized marijuana in some form – Oregon became the latest to permit the sale of marijuana for recreational on Thursday – some Native American nations are now also considering the possibility of legalizing the plant, in some cases because it could represent a revenue stream.


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