

Malawi joins Zimbabwe in switching from cultivating tobacco to cannabis

Malawi flag

Malawi has just followed Zimbabwe in reaffirming an intended agricultural switch from tobacco to cannabis. Both countries are doing so for economic survival as the long-term viability of tobacco is giving way to another crop entirely.


The Hidden C in Malawi's Three Cs

There are three main drugs of abuse in Malawi, namely alcohol and Cannabis Sativa

The Malawi Government (GoM) uses what is called the drug scheduling system to declassify and classify drugs in the country.

Under the Dangerous Drugs Act of the Laws of Malawi, there are three schedules of controlled substances known as Parts which weigh a drug’s medical value and its abuse potential.

The GoM considers cannabis, raw and prepared, to have a potential for abuse and no medical value. The growing, possession and usage of cannabis is illegal in the country.

In this feature the author was examining the use of Cannabis amongst young people in Malawi.

Cannabis is famously known as “chamba” in the native language, Chewa.


British envoy suggests industrial hemp for Malawi

British High Commissioner to Malawi, Michael Nevin on Wednesday asked the country to consider production of Indian hemp for commercial production.
In a statement made available to APA, he said local policy makers and the public to consider whether industrial hemp has potential to be a Malawi’s growth crop.

“The hemp being suggested is an industrial variety which is potentially and economically viable not the illegal cannabis or marijuana,” he said.

He said the industrial variety of hemp practically cannot induce the effects seen in the other varieties.

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