Cannabis Technology News


It’s Complicated: Can You Sell Cannabis Online?

The legal cannabis market is growing exponentially every single year.  Experts estimate that the industry will be worth more than $73.6 billion by 2027. Despite its popularity, this swiftly growing sector is missing out on one of its biggest potential markets — e-commerce. Can you sell cannabis online?


Are hemp products helping us move towards a sustainable future?

In 2020 it’s possible to buy hemp rope, soap, shoes, and even beer. The question is, are these hemp products moving us to a more sustainable future?


Study Finds Higher THC Does Not Translate To Increased ‘High’

The cannabis plant is composed of dozens of cannabinoids, with some being more popular among consumers and patients than others.

Historically, the most popular and well-known cannabinoid was tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The cannabinoid was first isolated by an Israeli scientist, Raphael Mechoulam, several decades ago.

In recent years another cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD), has risen in popularity among consumers and patients. Google search query data shows that CBD was searched more often than THC in recent.

With that being said, many consumers and medical cannabis patients still base their purchasing decisions on THC alone, which is unfortunate. 


Canadian firm raises $3.3 million to develop hemp cleaning wipes

Bast Fibre Technologies Inc. (BFTi) of Canada said it has sold $3.3 million (CA$4.5 million) worth of equity to Natural Products Canada (NPC) to finance trials and start production of hemp-based, compostable cleaning wipes.

Bast Fibre’s Chairman and CEO Noel Hall said the company hopes to capitalize on the trend toward elimination of single-use plastics and address the environmental problems caused by non-biodegradable synthetic wipes.


Edmonton region set to become home to largest cannabis gummy facility in Canada

Alberta’s capital region is set to be home to the largest cannabis gummy production facility in the country.

Dynaleo is set to open a 26,000-square-foot manufacturing plant near the Edmonton International Airport after it secured a processing facility permit from Health Canada. Executive chairman Michael Krestell said the next step now is to get a licence to sell so the company can move its edible products to be sold from the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) online store and other businesses.


Tips For Cannabis Entrepreneurs Navigating The Rules Of Instagram

We’ve all seen social media accounts get shut down left and right in the cannabis industry, especially on Instagram. It’s been happening for years, and brands are often left frustrated and scrambling to appeal or get a new account up quickly.

When your Instagram account is taken down, the first thing you need to do is file an appeal. If you haven’t broken any of the community standards, you should get it back fairly quickly.


The Most Effective Cannabis Growing Technologies of 2020

Data for recent years show a steady climb in the global cannabis market. More and more countries have decided to go green and legalize cannabis in order to weaken the illicit market strength and help the economy. To grow, sell, and distribute the best products, manufacturers use lots of modern technologies.


Cannabis study suggests women may need less THC to get to the same effects as men

Women tend to experienced the same acute effects of cannabis as men at a lower dose of THC, according to new research published in


Hemp: Weaving the Fiber into the Fashion Supply Chain

Today’s consumer knows very little about hemp. Most mistakenly think hemp is the same plant as marijuana. It is a relative to marijuana, but the temperate cousin. (THC is the chemical that causes the psychological effects in marijuana. The THC level is so low in hemp that it is almost impossible to get high from smoking the plant. Hemp actually contains a chemical called CBD which blocks the effectiveness of THC.)


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