Cannabis Technology News


Faulty THC dosages turning up in legal cannabis: Health Canada

Health Canada has been flagging legal cannabis products containing incorrect amounts of THC content — up to five times more of the ingredient than advertised.

Since recreational legalization took effect in October 2018, the federal agency has ordered 15 recalls of products due to labelling errors in the actual levels of THC and CBD present.

In one instance, a package of pre-rolled cannabis cigarettes was determined to have five times the THC content posted.

Other instances had THC levels below that listed.

“The (federal) cannabis regulations require licence holders to investigate complaints received about the quality of cannabis and, if necessary, to take corrective measures,” Health Canada spokeswoman Tammy Jarbeau said in an email.


Are Amazon, Uber, etc. the future for delivering post-pandemic cannabis?

It’s hard to say where we are in the COVID-19 pandemic right now, as infections and deaths continue to rise. But there have been movements in the cannabis industry that are changing the way the industry operates amid the pandemic that may stay post-pandemic.

Being allowed to operate as an “essential” business in the U.S. — which had a few bumps in the road between including both medical with recreational as essential businesses in states such as Colorado (that state quickly changed and added recreational) and Massachusetts — was one positive result that gave the industry some needed respect.

Sales have been strong, and delivery options were expanded as well.


The Cannabis Beverages of Summer

The summer of 2020, like the rest of the past year, is shaping up to be fraught with tension, unrest, and anxiety, but at least one thing is certain. There will be hot days (in the northern hemisphere, at least) and people will be thirsty, not just for cold, refreshing beverages, but for the opportunity to relax, unwind, and connect in whatever form is available to us in the months to come.


How To Reduce Odor When Growing Indoors

Everyone who has grown a substantial crop in their basement will attest to the strong odor the crop produces as the plant matures. Most people have been busted simply because of the strong smell of a mature plant permeating the air around the home in question.


The Endocannabinoid System and Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency

The discovery of the endocannabinoid system in the mid-1980s was a major breakthrough in modern medicine. Yet, if you looked at the curriculum for most medical schools, you might not know it. The finding would not have been possible without the help of the cannabis plant, which remains illicit in most countries around the world. After wide-spread legalization of medical cannabis and over three decades of research, knowledge about the endocannabinoid system and its associated pathologies, like clinical endocannabinoid deficiency, remain sorely overlooked.


Exploring the Pros and Cons of CBD-Infused Drinks

The benefit of a world so driven towards the next ‘new’ is that it takes you along as it progresses. The cannabis industry is one such usherer of change. But, as CBD-infused everything gains popularity, are there downsides to the substance? 

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the most famous cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Its medicinal benefits have been tested and proved time and again. Now it stands as a legitimate component in many of our products.


CBD vs. THC – Helping You Choose Your Favorite Cannabinoid

Cannabis is gaining momentum as a wellness trend. Preclinical studies have shown it can help treat epilepsy, depression, anxiety, inflammation, and can make living with cancer much more bearable.


Your Genes Have A Surprising Impact On How Marijuana Affects You

Studies have found links between genetics and the ways in which people react to marijuana.

Marijuana is a widely used drug yet it remains unpredictable. Seasoned users can usually manage the effect that marijuana has on them, while also staying calm during an unpredictable high. For newcomers, however, it’s different; novice users usually can’t predict how the drug will affect them, whether it’ll lead to a paranoid high or giggle fest.

Science says your genes might play a part in how your body reacts to cannabis.


Cannabis could be help treat coronavirus, scientists claim

Scientists have claimed some strains of cannabis could be used in the fight against coronavirus.

Some strong strains of cannabis could be used to prevent infection by the new coronavirus - and treat Covid-19.

Scientists from the University of Lethbridge in Canada are among those seeking answers to the global pandemic.

And they say some strains of cannabis affect the ACE2 pathways the virus uses to get into the body.

Speaking to  CTV News, Olga Kovalchuk, one of the researchers, said: “We were totally stunned at first, and then we were really happy.”


Hemp Fiber Materials Have Major Environmental Upside

Every day, you come across a media story addressing concerns over the environment, and one of the biggest issues being addressed in these reports is environmental plastic pollution (EPP).

EPP is the problem caused by oil-based plastic products, which are not recycled and left anywhere outdoors, especially in nature and the oceans, to breakdown into their toxic polymer components over the next 700 years.


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