Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Team Trudeau set to outline plan to 'modernize' election laws

With just seven weeks to go before the House shuts down for the summer, Team Trudeau is poised to unveil its latest proposed overhaul of Canada’s election and political financing laws.

The new bill, which could be introduced as early as this afternoon, is expected to include several key 2015 campaign commitments, including new restrictions on how much political parties can spend between — or possibly even during — elections, as well as the establishment of an independent commission to oversee leaders’ debates and, potentially, new monitoring and enforcement measures to protect the integrity of the federal election system against foreign (or domestic) hackers.


How much marijuana is too much? Legalization means new questions for police

With legal pot looming, officials are working on training tools for Canada's cops.

Pop quiz: what does 30 grams of marijuana look like?

It's not an abstract question. Under the federal government's proposed cannabis legalization plan, 30 grams of dried marijuana is the maximum a person can legally possess in a public place. Carry any more and you could be subject to fines, jail time, or both.

Policing quantities is a big shift for police officers, who are used to viewing any amount of pot as a potential red flag, said Sandy Sweet of the Canadian Police Knowledge Network, an agency that provides online training courses for police officers.


Feds to set target to reduce youth cannabis rates by 2021

Health Canada doesn’t yet have a target set on reducing marijuana consumption among teens and young adults, but it says it will within the next few years.

Health Canada plans to set targets for reducing the rate of Canadians aged 15-24 who use cannabis “by Dec. 31, 2020,” according to departmental plans recently tabled in Parliament.

The report said the current baseline rate of use is 25.5 per cent for the year 2015 – which breaks down to 20.6 per cent of Canadians aged 15 to 19, and 29.7 per cent of Canadians aged 20 to 24.


Provinces need more info about marijuana impairment testing technology

British Columbia may have unveiled its plan for regulating recreational marijuana, but the enforcement and testing for drug-impaired driving remains hazy.

Solicitor General Mike Farnworth says the provinces need to hear "ASAP" from the federal government about what technology might be approved in testing for drug-impairment.

Currently, specially trained drug recognition officers conduct field sobriety tests based largely on visual assessments, rather than testing of bodily fluids.

Retired RCMP officer Steven Maxwell, who has trained officers on the field tests in Ontario and Quebec, says he believes recognition tests are very accurate — when conducted properly.


Roadside drug tests will be Canadians' new normal when weed's legal

It's important to understand what drugged driving really means, what tools police have and what Canadians must keep in mind behind the wheel.

As cannabis moves closer to legalization, Canadians are asking themselves what it means for them. If the recent Toronto Star article is any indication, one area that's coming under greater scrutiny is the issue of drugged driving.


No tax talk in provincial marijuana legislation

Municipal costs to legalize recreational marijuana cannot be quantified, but B.C. communities are still calling for half of the provincial cut of taxes.

“Yes, there are costs, there are real costs,” Kamloops Mayor Ken Christian said. “I believe that we should not be asking Kamloops taxpayers to pony up. I think that we should be getting that money through the people who are selling this product.”

Christian and Sicamous Mayor Terry Rysz are among B.C. mayors who want 50 per cent of the provincial share of taxation when marijuana is legalized. The topic was noticeably absent from provincial updates on Thursday regarding what recreational marijuana will look like in B.C.

Christian said exact costs for municipalities is unknown until legalization.


Ottawa parents look for guidance as cannabis legalization nears

Ottawa Public Health held the 1st of 2 information sessions Thursday night in Gloucester.

Ottawa parents are bracing for a new version of "the talk" with their children as the legalization of cannabis nears.

About 60 people — and an additional dozen officials from public health, school boards and local police — attended an information session Thursday night on how to talk to their children about cannabis.

Greely resident Keri Hatfield, who has two middle school-age children, said having a dad who was a police officer had kept her from ever considering trying cannabis.

"The fear of God was put into me not to do drugs," she said.

"To have it become a normal thing like alcohol, it worries me. So I want to be prepared to deal with this with my kids."


Are Canadian legalization laws too strict?

Are Canadian legalization laws too strict to be worth the effort?

Legalizing marijuana in Canada will benefit millions of people. First and foremost, people will no longer be incarcerated for minor possession charges. This means fewer arrest records, less government spending on prisons and less longterm impact on the careers and lives of those caught with marijuana. Legalization does, however, vary province by province, and come with a host of bureaucratic complications. Are Canadian legalization laws too strict? Here’s a closer look at the problems marijuana legislation, as it exists today, could cause.

Strict Laws Require Bigger Law Enforcement Budgets


City council examines proposed pot policy

Proposed changes to the City of Camrose Smoking Bylaw would see fewer places for smokers to take their afternoon drag.

The City is currently looking into updating their smoking bylaw to include smoking and vaping cannabis. The changes would add city walking trails, public parks, and hotels.

They are following many recommendations made by Les Hagen and Action on Smoking and Health. He originally made a presentation to council in December of 2017 regarding the federal legislation to legalize cannabis. He was back at the committee of the Whole meeting on April 16 as the proposed bylaw was presented.


Exclusive: British Columbia announces plan to open retail locations under the name ‘BC Cannabis Stores’ and new legislation in preparation for legalization

The Government of British Columbia announced a new legislation proposal on Thursday in preparation for Canada to legalize marijuana this year.

The Government of British Columbia is proposing new rules making 19 the legal age to purchase, sell or consume cannabis, allow adults to possess up to 30 grams of cannabis in public spaces and ban smoking or vaping cannabis in the same places tobacco smoking and vaping in prohibited. The legislation will also ban smoking or vaping recreational cannabis at playgrounds and other places where children gather.


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