Marijuana Politics

rand paul

BC set to introduce marijuana legislation with years of fine tuning expected, says minister

Incoming marijuana legislation heralds momentous change for the approach to pot, but British Columbia Premier John Horgan questions if everyone will buy into the new legal system this summer.

Legislation regulating recreational marijuana in B.C. is expected to be introduced Thursday. The province is one of the last in Canada to table its marijuana rules as the country adapts to legalized pot.

Horgan said he expects the country to go through an extensive marijuana learning curve that will see some embracing the ability to purchase pot legally at private or government stores while others may stick to illegal suppliers.


CARPHA executive director urges caution on decriminalization of marijuana

The executive director of the Trinidad-based Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), Dr James Hosepdales, is urging regional countries to “proceed with an abundance of caution” when it come to the decriminalisation of marijuana.

Hospedales, who spoke on a government radio programme “Working for you”, said there is much discussion on the decriminalisation issue and that there have been several times in history where populations and societies have gone very liberal with substances of abuse.

“The Americans are in the middle of a big opioid crisis and some many decades ago they had a huge problem with addiction and especially among white women,” he said.


Will this be the next marijuana boom?

Investors may want to pay close attention to the ancillary cannabis industry.

The marijuana industry is growing by leaps and bounds, and over the past two-plus years, cannabis stocks have reflected this growth. In many instances, pot stocks are up more than 1,000% since the beginning of 2016.

Behind these enormous gains are some rapidly growing sales figures and a discernable shift in the public's opinion toward pot.

The buzz behind the green rush


B.C. government to introduce cannabis legislation this week but no news on store locations

Minister responsible says last year's election main reason why B.C. is behind other provinces.

Expect some long-awaited details from the province this week on how marijuana will be regulated when it becomes legal in July. 

Just not how much things will cost or where public stores will be. 


Licensed, unlicensed: how effective are Vancouver's dispensary bylaws?

Majority of pot shops continue to operate outside the rules.

It's been nearly two years since the City of Vancouver ordered unlicensed dispensaries to shut down or face legal consequences and, while some have paid the $30,000 licensing fee, many more continue to operate outside the rules.

According to the city, there are just over 100 marijuana shops in Vancouver as of April 10.

Of those, roughly a third are not subject to enforcement — including 15 that have paid the licensing fee, as well as stores that have been issued a development permit but are still waiting for their licence.

The 77 others are operating outside city regulations and are subject to enforcement.


'We've been waiting': Fort McPherson locals discuss pot at cannabis consultation

MLA Kieron Testart says N.W.T. government dropped the ball in consulting, preparing communities.

About 25 people from Fort McPherson, N.W.T., showed up Monday night for a meeting on the upcoming cannabis legislation — the first of many consultations during MLA's whirlwind tour across the territory.

Fort McPherson and Fort Resolution kicked off the community pot consultation tour that will visit 16 communities in 11 days.

The Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act, or Bill 6, is currently under review by the standing committees on social development and government operations.


Corner Brook PhD teaches cannabis course in Colorado

Paul Seaborn had front row seat for first full legalization plan in North America.

Paul Seaborn saw something happening all around Colorado that was worth studying, so he lobbied the University of Denver to let him teach a course on it. Seaborn, originally from Corner Brook, is now an assistant professor teaching the business of cannabis.

"There's never been this type of industry so everything that happens is a first and it's great for our students to be a part of that and to understand it," he said.

Seaborn was back in Newfoundland Tuesday for a conference at Memorial University on the challenges and opportunities of legal cannabis.

He dropped by the St. John's Morning Show to explain his work and what he teaches his students.


Liberal party members overwhelmingly vote for decriminalizing drugs while Trudeau repeats opposition

The Liberal Party of Canada has voted in favour of removing criminal penalties for the personal possession of drugs.

It’s one of a number of policies that the party selected as priorities at a convention in Halifax on Saturday (April 21).

Members also voted in favour of universal pharmacare, decriminalizing consensual sex work, and expanding medicare to cover mental-health issues.

A total of 15 policies were selected to become official party priorities.

However, a policy’s status as a party priority does not mean that party leaders have to include it in the document where it really counts: the party’s campaign platform for the next federal election.


Ottawa school boards to weigh in on pot shop locations — somehow

Additional layer of consultation raises questions of whether stores open in time.

When the first four cannabis store locations for Ontario were announced earlier this month, the single Toronto site caused a ruckus because it was walking distance from an elementary school, ensconced in a strip mall that houses a McDonald's and Tim Hortons the students frequent at lunch time.

Both the Toronto School Board and Premier Kathleen Wynne appeared caught off guard by the store's proximity to the school, about 450 metres away. Wynne subsequently ordered school boards be consulted before any more locations are announced.

That might sound reasonable, but there's only one problem: some Ottawa school boards have no idea what "consultation" means.


No pot tourism strategy for Windsor-Essex until guidelines set, says tourism agency

Local cannabis advocate: 'To me it's absolutely asinine to waste our time which is basically what this is'.

As people across Canada prepare for recreational cannabis to become legal later this year the regional tourism agency for Windsor-Essex says it has no strategy until operational guidelines are set. 

Recreational marijuana could be legalized sometime this summer as the Cannabis Act works its way through Parliament, while Windsor has been approved for a store. 

But Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island (TWEP) said in a statement to CBC News that it's holding back on a plan until national and local governments iron out the plans. 


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