Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Recreational marijuana threatened by Trump? Believe it.

Will President Donald Trump make any changes to the federal government’s position on marijuana?


Cannabis valued at $1.2 million found in UK nuclear bunker

Police in the United Kingdom discovered a large cannabis factory after raiding a nuclear bunker on Thursday. The value of the crop they recovered was estimated at over £1 million ($1.2 million).

Police in the county of Wiltshire say they arrested six people during a midnight raid on RGHQ Chilmark, an underground nuclear bunker built in the 1980s to protect government officials and local dignitaries in case of a nuclear attack.

While the site is no longer owned by the UK’s Ministry of Defense, the bunker is intact and the nuclear blast doors remain in place.

After receiving intelligence about the operation going on in the nearly impenetrable bunker, police said they waited outside for three people to leave and then detained them, using their keys to gain entry.


Congressional Cannabis Caucus Unites to Protect Marijuana Industry

The uncertainty created by President Donald Trump’s views on marijuana legalization -- especially recreational marijuana –--has led a four members of the House of Representatives from states that have legalized cannabis to band together on behalf of the cannabis industry.

Led by Congress members from states where recreational marijuana is legal, the Congressional Cannabis Caucus will seek to sponsor legislation that aids the growing marijuana industry and fight attempts by the Trump Administration to crackdown on pot businesses.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-California, is a founder of the caucus along with Rep. Earl Bluemenauer, an Oregon Democrat; Rep. Jared Polis, a Colorado Democrat and Republican Rep. Don Young of Alaska.


Company May Soon Legally Dispense Cannabis Oil In Texas Town

The first step toward legally growing marijuana in the state of Texas could come Thursday.

The Texas Department of Public Safety is scheduled to begin accepting applications for licenses to dispense low-THC cannabis under the state’s Compassionate Use Act.

The town of Gunter, Texas, fifty miles north of Dallas, may be among the first locations approved. A company called Aquiflow, has purchased the town’s old cotton gin with plans to start production.

“If it’s legal, I’m all for it,” said Mayor Pro Tem Larry Peters.


Cannabis Stocks Soar in Canada

It looks like Canada will become the first G7 nation to legalize recreational cannabis. As a result, the Canadian stock market is poised for a substantial spike this spring when Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, plans to implement the new legislation.

Cannabis is quickly becoming the “it” stock to invest in. While initial investments have been tricky due to what feels like perpetual negotiations regarding laws and restrictions, the cannabis stock is still considered to be the most promising investment for turning a profit.

Nothing encompasses this sentiment more than Canadian cannabis holding company, Canopy Growth. Located in Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canopy Growth one of the largest legal cannabis producers in the world.


Friday Funny: When the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act hits the House floor

Ok, this isn't the funniest comic we've posted, but it sure is timely considering Sean Spicer's comments yesterday.

It's time to take action. If you're on this website you likely have something to lose if the Trump Administration has its way. Here's what you can do:


BREAKING: White House warns of crackdown on recreational marijuana

In a departure from the Obama administration’s policies, the White House said Thursday that the Trump administration is likely to crack down on recreational marijuana use.

“I do think you’ll see greater enforcement,” said White House press secretary Sean Spicer. “The Department of Justice, I think, will be further looking into [the issue]. I believe they are going to continue to enforce the laws on the books with respect to recreational marijuana.”

He drew a distinction between marijuana use for medical purposes, and compared recreational marijuana loosely with the opioid epidemic.

Advocates of recreational marijuana reacted quickly to his comments.


Iowa House panel approves medical marijuana oil bill

An Iowa House subcommittee approved a bill that would legalize medical marijuana oil and create a state-run program to grow and dispense the product.

People affected by epileptic seizures, multiple sclerosis and cancer spoke Wednesday in support of the bill, telling lawmakers cannabis oil helped them. The GOP-led panel unanimously supported the bill, which now moves to the House public safety committee.

The Iowa Department of Public Health would run the program, and an agency official said it was important participants receive license cards.

Rep. Jared Klein, a Republican from Keota, noted the legislation doesn't legalize recreational marijuana but only allows cannabis oil for medical treatment. He says 28 states have passed similar bills.


Texas veterans press Legislature for medical use of marijuana

Military veterans said that for many, marijuana offers a safer treatment option than prescription painkillers.

A stack of letters urged Gov. Greg Abbott to rethink his opposition to medical marijuana.

Texas military veterans gathered Wednesday at the Capitol to press lawmakers and Gov. Greg Abbott to allow for the medical use of marijuana, saying the drug offers life-saving treatment for those afflicted with chronic pain, brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder.

“I wake up each day in pain,” said retired Army Sgt. Javier Tovias of Edinburg, who stopped taking prescription pain medication because of adverse health effects.


The Netherlands Moves Closer To Legalizing Marijuana Cultivation

I will never forget the first time one of my friends went to Amsterdam. It was my best friend’s little brother in the early 2000’s. I had read all about Amsterdam in magazines like High Times, and when I got dial up internet connection, Amsterdam was one of the first things I looked up. Obviously the reviews all said that the cannabis was unreal, but what were people basing that off of? Were the reviewers used to smoking bammer/brickweed, because if so I’d imagine anything would be amazing to them.


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