Marijuana Politics

rand paul

New York: Daily Doze of Cannabis Not a Far off Reality for Senior Citizens

Under a new program at a nursing home in New York City, medical marijuana will be used to help treat residents for various illnesses.

The alternative to prescription drugs will be available at Hebrew Home's dispensary for residents to buy and consume on their own.

Ruth Brunn, 98 has accepted cannabis as a solution to the excruciating pain caused by neuropathy. She has cut down on her prescribed pain medication, morphine because marijuana pills have worked well for her.

“I don’t feel high or stoned,” she said while talking to the New York Times. “All I know is I feel better when I take this.”


3 Indirect Plays In The Growing Marijuana Market

With all the excitement in the recreational marijuana space, it is hard for growth oriented investors to ignore this new market. Society has become more liberal with the idea of legalizing marijuana. Two polls from April 2015, found that the majority of Americans, 53%, were in support of this idea and it can be seen from the map below how the States have slowly began this process. Marijuana stocks in Canada and the USA have been rising since their respective elections.


Pennsylvania Accepting Applications for Medical Marijuana Grow Houses and Dispensaries

The price is steep and regulations will be strict, but PA is on the way to MMJ.

Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives passed a medical marijuana bill in the middle of last year, and now Pennsylvania residents will finally have their opportunity to put their foot into the industry.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health is now accepting applications for entrepreneurs interested in opening medical marijuana cultivation centers, production centers, or dispensaries. The process won’t be easy though, the application is a 33-page packet, which includes local and federal background checks, as well as exorbitant permit fees.


Germany's New Weed Laws: What You Need to Know

Germany just passed one of the world’s most progressive medical marijuana plans. The new law will put weed in more pharmacies and require public insurers to cover the costs of cannabis products, as they do other pharmaceutical prescriptions, when cannabis is prescribed for “severe conditions.”

Germany will also start growing its own weed. This will replace the old medical marijuana law, which granted permits for people to grow their own. So recreational growers will not have any excuses for ‘exotic houseplants.’


Cities have right to regulate marijuana dispensaries: BC Supreme Court

Cities have the right to deny business licences to illegal marijuana dispensaries and to prohibit the cultivation or sale of marijuana through their zoning bylaws, a B.C. Supreme Court judge has ruled.

The case is the latest development in what has become a patchwork of inconsistent rules and legal skirmishes as cities grapple with changing laws and an aggressive new marijuana industry. While the sale of marijuana at storefronts, such as dispensaries, remains illegal, some cities such as Vancouver have moved to regulate them through business licences. Others, including Abbotsford, have remained determined to keep them outlawed.


Pro-Pot Lawmakers Launch a Congressional Cannabis Caucus

Four members of the U.S. congress are banding together to protect the growing marijuana industry.

A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers launched the Congressional Cannabis Caucus in a press conference at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday afternoon. Republican congressmen Dana Rohrabacher (California) and Don Young (Alaska) joined Democrats Earl Blumenauer (Oregon) and Jared Polis (Colorado) to launch the new group. They are dedicated to developing policy reforms that can bridge the gap that currently exists between federal laws banning marijuana and the laws in an ever-growing number of states that have legalized it for medical or recreational purposes.


No one really knows what Trump will do about marijuana — and it could mess up Colorado's plans

At risk of raising the ire of the White House, Colorado is on the brink of becoming the first state with licensed pot clubs. But the details of how these clubs will operate are as hazy as the underground clubs operating already.

Denver officials are working on regulations to open a one-year pilot of bring-your-own marijuana clubs, while state lawmakers are expected to consider measures to allow either marijuana "tasting rooms" run by marijuana dispensaries, or smoke-friendly clubs akin to cigar bars.


Pro-Marijuana Student Organization Wins Court Case Over Using School Logos

We've seen stories in the past in which higher educational institutions attempt to slap down students' use of school iconography when it comes to advocating for marijuana legalization. Trademark law is the preferred bludgeoning tool in many of these cases, regardless of whether or not the uses in question actually pass the muster on the tests for Fair Use. Still, at least in most of these cases the schools are at least quick to act and staunch in their attempts to silence a completely valid political position by the student body.


Texas: Harris County DA Presents Plan To Decriminalize Minor Marijuana Offenses

Mayor Sylvester Turner is reviewing a proposal from Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg that, once implemented, will decriminalize some marijuana possession offenses.

The policy, which goes into effect on March 1, is known as the Misdemeanor Marijuana Diversion Program, a pre-charge diversion program for individuals who meet certain criteria, and are in possession of four ounces or less of marijuana.

Those who qualify will not be arrested, ticketed, or required to go to court if they agree to take a four-hour drug education course.

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