Marijuana Politics

rand paul

British former war correspondent on trial in Indonesia for hashish


A British former war correspondent on trial in Indonesia on charges of possessing hashish faces up to four years in prison, a prosecutor said on Thursday.

David Fox was arrested on October 8 along with Australian bar owner Giuseppe Serafino on the tourist island of Bali. Police said they confiscated a total of 10.09 grams (0.36 ounces) of hashish from Fox's clothing and house.


Some worried about the future of medical marijuana

Some people are worried about the Trump Administration's stance of medical marijuana, as Donald Trump is stepping into the Oval Office.

Trump has selected Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as the country's new Attorney General. Sessions is an outspoken opponent of Marijuana, and some are wondering what will happen to medical marijuana in Arizona, should Sessions be confirmed.

Tammy Blanton has ruptured disks, migraines, and Sciatica, and her doctor said surgery was not a good idea. So, Blanton turned to medical marijuana.

"It has helped me to be able to get up, and join in whatever is going on," said Blanton. "It has helped me life a lot. Don't have to take heavy duty pills."


Medical Marijuana Bill to Be Proposed Again in Nebraska Legislature

After raising a heated debate in the Nebraska legislature in its past two sessions, medical marijuana will again be a point of interest in the Capitol when Sen. Anna Wishart of Lincoln proposes a bill to legalize medical marijuana in the state of Nebraska.

This bill will be similar to previous bills that have been introduced by Sen. Tommy Garrett in the past two years, but have not been passed. Garrett did not win his bid for reelection this past November.

Last year, the bill was killed after lawmakers voted to end a filibuster 30-49.

This year, however, there are 17 new senators and a public opinion that some senators think is largely in favor of passing a law to legalize medical marijuana.


German Parliament Set to Pass Medical Marijuana Bill

The German parliament (Bundestag) is expected to pass a law on Thursday that would officially make marijuana legal for medicinal purposes.

Sources from the various parties in the Bundestag say the proposal by the Health Ministry will pass on Thursday, according to DPA, allowing seriously ill patients to receive prescriptions for cannabis products.

Currently only certain people with serious medical conditions may be granted permission to use the drug for self therapy, and the bar is set fairly high. Only around 1,000 people in the whole country currently have been given permission to use the drug.


The Mistake Most States Made When Legalizing Marijuana

The arrival of 2017 will bring many changes to the country, including falling marijuana prices in states that have legalized a recreational market. Cannabis users may cheer this news, but it heralds the start of an enduring budgetary headache for states that tax legal marijuana sales based solely on price.


Rise in Uruguay Marijuana Seizures Presents Challenge to Reforms

An increase in marijuana seizures in Uruguay raises questions about whether criminal groups are taking advantage of delays to the implementation of the country’s landmark 2013 legalization law to establish a firm market share.

According to Uruguay's El Pais, Uruguayan authorities seized 4,305 kilograms of marijuana in 2016, an increase from the 2,521 kilograms seized in 2015, and the 1,457 kilograms of marijuana seized in 2014. 


Obama to Commute Hundreds of Federal Drug Sentences in Final Grants of Clemency

Justice Department officials have completed their review of more than 16,000 clemency petitions filed by federal prisoners over the past two years and sent their last recommendations to President Obama, who is set to grant hundreds more commutations to nonviolent drug offenders during his final days in office. 

“Everyone has killed themselves here to get the final recommendations to the president,” Deputy Attorney General Sally Q. Yates said in an interview. “We were in overdrive. We were determined to live up to our commitment. It was 24-7 over the Christmas break.”


Nation's 1st Marijuana Club Law Shrouded in Questions

Denver has started work on the nation's first law allowing marijuana clubs and use in public places such as coffee shops or art galleries. But the details about what those pot clubs would look like are very much in the air. Here's what we know, and don't know, about the looming pot clubs headed to Denver:


Applications are available Friday, but the city has no deadline for issuing the licenses, which will cost $2,000 a year. An informal workgroup made up of police, restaurants, state health authorities and marijuana activists is meeting to suggest regulations for the city licensing authority, but the final call will be made by city regulators.


Maine: Medical Marijuana CEO Tells Augusta Crowd She Is Bullish About New Recreational Pot Law

Patricia Rosi told members of the Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday she sees enough room in the state for medical and recreational marijuana uses.

The head of Maine’s largest purveyor of legal, medical marijuana said on Wednesday that she also supports the regulated, recreational use of marijuana by people over 21 and the creation of a market to satisfy their demand.

In November, that’s just what Maine voters approved when they narrowly voted yes on Question 1, a citizen referendum that allows for the creation of a recreational marijuana industry in the state. This week, state lawmakers are beginning to consider how to implement those new rules.


New HB 1060 Bill Would Allow Medical Marijuana in Washington Schools

Under parental supervision, students would be able to consume medical marijuana to stop seizures.

For children with epilepsy and other seizure inducing conditions, medical marijuana can be a lifesaver. Whether it means being able to sit through an entire class period, or in some cases just functioning in everyday life, there is no doubt that strains such as Charlotte’s Web and CBD oils are a huge help.

But for children around the country, even in states with legal medical or recreational cannabis, taking marijuana on school grounds has continued to cross the line of the law - until now.


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