Marijuana Politics

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You Probably Don't Know Enough About Marijuana to Pass This Quiz (or Invest in Pot)

Test your pot knowledge before you invest in cannabis.

Marijuana legalization has made the marijuana industry incredibly alluring to investors. The marijuana market is expected to surge to $21 billion by 2020, and that's got many people wondering which marijuana stocks could benefit most.

While the marijuana market is undeniably growing quickly, and that's good news for marijuana stocks, most investors don't have enough information about the pros and cons associated with marijuana companies to make the best money-making decisions. Do you have the knowledge necessary to profit from marijuana's explosive growth opportunity?


Australia: Turnbull Says One Nation's Medicinal Cannabis Amnesty 'Irresponsible'

PM says government doesn’t have power for an amnesty and also says it’s unlikely classified information leaked when ministers’ Yahoo accounts hacked.

Malcolm Turnbull has rejected One Nation’s proposed medicinal cannabis amnesty, saying the government does not have the power and an amnesty for dangerous illicit substances would be “irresponsible”.

In an interview with ABC radio in Brisbane, the prime minister also reassured Australians that it was “unlikely” classified information had leaked as the result of Yahoo accounts of ministers being compromised in 2013.


Lawmakers Eye Changes To Massachusetts' Progressive Marijuana Law

Legislative leaders have made clear they are not through with making changes to the voter-approved recreational Massachusetts marijuana initiative, but it remains to be seen whether future action amounts to an overhaul of or a mere tinkering with the new law.

A committee of House and Senate lawmakers will soon be named to consider potential revisions and make recommendations to the full Legislature.


North Dakota Legislature Attempts to Stall Medical Marijuana

Lawmakers say they need more time to make medical marijuana work.

North Dakota lawmakers are claiming they need for more time to implement the state’s new medical marijuana program.

According to the Associated Press, a joint session was recently held between the House and Senate in an effort to prolong the state's total prohibitionary standard.

Democrats and Republicans are blown away by the fact that marijuana legalization was actually approved in the election last November, are now trying to apply the brakes in order to give state health officials and law enforcement time to get up to speed.


Canada: Edmonton Prepares for Possible Impact of Legalized Marijuana

'So often in government we are reacting to things, instead of getting in front of things'

The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce is already working on a policy to deal with the impact that legalized marijuana could have in the workplace.

The federal government has promised to table legislation this spring but it could take much longer for the bill to be studied and eventually passed into law.

"This is coming at us now, this is going to happen, there is going to be legalization of marijuana," said chamber CEO Janet Riopel.

"So this is something that has very much hit our radar, and especially in safety-sensitive workplaces, employers have said marijuana use is inconsistent with safe work places."


Scientists to Government: Make It Easier to Study Marijuana

Even as more and more states allow their residents to use marijuana, the federal government is continuing to obstruct scientists from studying whether the drug is good or bad for people’s health.


Florida: Medical Marijuana Rules Start to Take Shape

Opponents of the constitutional amendment allowing medical use of marijuana ran some scary TV spots last year, warning that pot shops would pop up near schools, peddling pot-infused candies to kids.

Supporters of the amendment – who prevailed by a comfortable margin at the polls – patiently insisted that they wanted to let doctors prescribe cannabis under controlled circumstances to help terribly ill people for whom benefits outweigh any risks.

It’s been a long struggle. The Legislature authorized use of a “non-euphoric” form of non-smoking marijuana a couple years ago, for patients with severe seizures. More recently, it permitted full-strength cannabis for terminally ill patients, those thought to have less than a year to live.


Weed Legal Firm Goes Global

Recreational marijuana is becoming legal in more jurisdictions throughout the US and is being used medically at an even greater rate. 

The push has driven Vicente Sederberg LLC to create the International Cannabis Practice Group for the potential onslaught of weed related legal issues to arise from the regulatory adoption.

“Public perception of marijuana is rapidly shifting around the world, and the cannabis industry is poised to become a large, mature marketplace with a host of legal needs,” Brian Vicente, partner and founding member of Vicente Sederberg said.

Vicente Sederberg also announced its partnership with Spain’s top cannabis law firm Soriano Fernández Abogados (S&F Abogados) to launch a Spanish language website providing legal advice.


New laws in Michigan shake up the marijuana industry

John Wallace stood in a small storage building with concrete-block walls and explained his vision for the first retail marijuana store in Buchanan.

Medical cannabis patients would have to check in at a front desk. After showing the proper identification, they would be shown to the display room, where friendly bud-tenders would help them choose from a selection of weed, oils or marijuana-laced foods.

With a shortage of authorized caregivers to provide medical marijuana services, patients could benefit from a retail outlet, he said, though city officials have yet to give it their blessing.


Marijuana legislation inches ahead in New Jersey despite Christie warning

Republican Gov. Chris Christie's warning to the Democrat-led Legislature not to move forward with legalizing marijuana is going mostly unheeded.

Christie cautioned lawmakers against allowing recreational marijuana in an impassioned state of the state address aimed at battling the state's opioid epidemic.

But as the governor charges full-steam ahead with a program to battle drug addiction that got a warm reception from Democratic leaders, he's getting pushback when it comes to marijuana.

The issue comes to the fore has some are hoping New Jersey will soon join California, Massachusetts, Maine and Nevada that approved marijuana legalization this year.


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