Marijuana Politics

rand paul

US agency to free up protest sites for Trump inauguration

Protesters will get public sites for demonstrations during Republican Donald Trump's presidential inauguration, a major federal land agency said on Thursday, after being threatened with a lawsuit from civil rights lawyers who accused it of quashing dissent.

Up to 900,000 people are expected to pack into the U.S. capital for the New York businessman's Jan. 20 swearing-in to his first political office. Some plan to protest Trump's more controversial promises, including plans to build a wall along the Mexican border and deport illegal immigrants.


Israel's Military to Relax Stance on Cannabis for Soldiers

Israel’s military will be relaxing its disciplinary actions against soldiers accused of consuming cannabis while they are on leave, a general in charge of the reform said Wednesday. Offending soldiers will no longer be systematically court-martialed nor receive prison sentences of up to two months, said reserve Maj. Gen. Danny Efroni, the Israeli Defense Force’s former chief military advocate general, according to Times of Israel.

The reform would not apply to soldiers who consume cannabis while on duty. Under the changes, soldiers found to have consumed cannabis would need to agree to undergo regular testing to show they are abstaining from consumption.


Wisconsin Republicans reach deal on marijuana extract bill

Republican state senators have reached a deal on a proposal making it legal in Wisconsin to possess a marijuana extract used to treat seizures.

A similar bill failed to pass last session despite widespread bipartisan support when Republican senators derailed the proposal amid concerns it would open the door to legalizing marijuana.

Republican Sen. Leah Vukmir was one of those who opposed the measure, but her spokeswoman Jessica Ward said Thursday she has agreed on a new version and is working with Sen. Van Wanggaard on advancing it.

Wanggaard spokesman Scott Kelly said he is confident the measure will have enough support to pass. The bill is expected to be one of the first introduced this session.


Serbian Cannabis Leader Arrested Ahead of Public Hearing

Life in Serbia, the largest and most populous country to emerge after the breakup of communist Yugoslavia in 1991, can still be a challenge for some. The nation’s drug laws are strict, as made clear recently when a leading cannabis advocate, scheduled to give public testimony on the plant’s therapeutic powers, was jailed before he could make his legalization plea.

Patient and activist Dragan Alargić, known by many as the “Balkan cannabis hero,” has been fighting for legalization for several years. When arrested, he was gearing up for what appeared to be a big step forward in Serbian perceptions of medical cannabis.


‘Cannabis thought leaders’ are cautiously optimistic about Trump

Donald Trump will be inaugurated this month, and a wide range of companies, from pharmaceuticals to health insurers to industrial manufacturers, are wondering what kind of impact the Trump administration will have on their business. In most cases, they have little to go on, since Trump has never held political office. And so they’re left to weigh scattered comments he has made on television and Twitter against his general policy views.

After conducting that sort of analysis, a leading marijuana business publication believes there’s a good chance Trump will be friendly toward the tide of marijuana legalization, or at least not stand in its way. But the same cannot be said of Trump’s choice of attorney general, Sen. Jeff Sessions.


Recreational Cannabis in Canada won't be a reality until 2019

The local weed guy likely has about 2 years before they need to either go legit, or seriously consider a career change.


Yes. Don’t look for any kind of wide-ranging retail access to cannabis for non-medical users much before the end of 2018. It’s simple math.


Australia: Regulating cannabis is inevitable. We should talk about getting it right

The annual turnover of the cannabis market in Australia is estimated to be bigger than our wine market. But unlike our wine market, not a cent of Australia’s cannabis is taxed.

In 2014-15, 66,309 people were arrested in Australia for possessing cannabis. The number of people arrested for cannabis consumer offences increased more than 40% between 2004-5 and 2014-15. No one knows what it costs to police cannabis possession and charge and process the large number of people charged every year with minor cannabis offences. But it would not be cheap.


Fixing The Banking Problems For The Cannabis Industry

As marijuana shops sprout in states that have legalized the drug, they face a critical stumbling block — lack of access to the kind of routine banking services other businesses take for granted.

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, is leading an effort to make sure vendors working with legal marijuana businesses, from chemists who test marijuana for harmful substances to firms that provide security, don’t have their banking services taken away.

It’s part of a wider effort by Warren and others to bring the burgeoning $7 billion marijuana industry in from a fiscal limbo she said forces many shops to rely solely on cash, making them tempting targets for criminals.


Houston Police Chief and DA plan to ease up on marijuana punishments

Top Houston area law and order officials are taking a softer tone when it comes to marijuana. It marks a dramatic shift in the way marijuana laws could be enforced locally.

New Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg beat out Devon Anderson on a platform that included marijuana and drug law reform.

"I never felt it was fair to put users in jails with murderers," said Ogg.

Ogg now vows to follow through on her campaign promises to ensure misdemeanor marijuana possession suspects don't end up in jail. And she's not alone.

New Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez has expressed support for the plan and just last week HPD's new chief Art Acevedo also voiced support for marijuana law reform in a radio interview with advocate Dean Becker.


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