Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Illinois: Family Holds Rally Advocating Medical Cannabis Be Used for Treating Autism

The Ihm family has exhausted 21 different treatment methods to control the violent outbursts of their 8-year-old son, Ethan, who has a severe form of autism.

No drug has been successful and institutionalization is becoming a more likely outcome, said Ethan’s brother, Elliott.

But still exploring other options, the Ihm family organized a rally Thursday afternoon in downtown DeKalb to implore the Illinois Department of Public Health to allow them to consider another possible treatment for Ethan, medical cannabis.

Signs reading “Help Legalize Medicine” and “Honk for Hash” crowded the corner of Lincoln Parkway and First Street. By 4:30 p.m., about 15 supporters were holding signs.


The UK Has Succeeded in Restricting Underage Access to Alcohol. Next in Line: Legal Cannabis.

The UK government has proven itself perfectly capable, over recent decades, at curbing underage access to alcohol.


St Lucia Gov't to Consider Medical Marijuana in 2017

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit says his administration will discuss the issue of medical marijuana in the coming year.

Skerrit who was a guest on a local radio programme on Wednesday said the topic must be discussed in a focused and informed manner, in order to take full advantage of the use of the herb, which many have sworn has saved their lives.

“We have started the conversation. I think we maybe need to put a better structure in place where we can have a more structured, informed dialogue or discussion on medical marijuana, to see how we can take advantage of this.


Do Farmers Have a Legal Right to Grow Cannabis?

When Jackson County, Oregon, tried to ban medical cannabis cultivation on some rural land last April, farmers there adopted an unexpected defense: They threatened to sue for lost income. According to state law, local governments can’t stop rural landowners from engaging in agricultural activity without compensating them for the lost value of the banned enterprise.

These property rights laws are commonly invoked by developers, mining companies and other big businesses to get around burdensome regulations. But Portland attorney Ross Day, who is representing more than a dozen Jackson County farmers, says the law is tailor-made for cannabis. 


Canada: Legalized Marijuana Won't Automatically Forgive Past Offences

The Trudeau government has pledged to legalize marijuana in the spring, but anyone who’s been convicted of a pot-related crime won’t be off the hook right away.

A federal task force on legalization recommended this week to allow storefront and mail-order sales of marijuana to people 18 years old and up, and to not sell it alongside cigarettes or alcohol.

But just like the federal Liberals, it said little about how the government should go about pardoning those who’ve been convicted of possession, trafficking, or production or marijuana, and more, once marijuana is made legal.


Will Outspoken Governor Paul LePage Try To Halt Legalizing Marijuana In Maine?

Legalization activists received an early Christmas present last weekend: recreational marijuana legalization in the Pine Tree State is finally on track after a lengthy battle over election results. 


Germany Is Poised to Be a Powerful Cannabis Market

With a population of 80.6 million and nearly 140k square miles, the country of Germany is roughly 85% the size of California, and contains over double the population. As medical cannabis laws across Europe become liberalized and attitudes toward adult recreational use continue to soften, Germany is now poised to be the next big thing in the European cannabis market.


The 4 Most Common Arguments Against Legalizing Weed

And Why They’re B.S.

Though one in eight U.S. adults say they smoke marijuana and the support for legal marijuana is up to 60 percent, there are still popular myths that paint marijuana as the big bad wolf. If you're one of the countless people who's managed to live a well-rounded, fulfilling life and still smoke weed, here are the four most common arguments against making your hobby legal, and why they're total BS:


Is Marijuana Legalization in California the Beginning of the End of the War on Weed?

The door to legalized marijuana in California cracked ajar in 1996, when voters approved the Compassionate Use Act, which allowed doctors to recommend cannabis to their patients.

In November, the door flew open as voters approved Proposition 64 by a wide margin, a measure that legalizes marijuana for adult recreational use and could herald the beginning of the end of the federal government’s misbegotten war on weed.


Who Is Canada's Self-Styled 'Prince of Pot' — and What Does He Want?

Years before U.S. arrest, cannabis stores, Marc Emery was a bookshop owner on a mission.

Marc Emery and his stores, Cannabis Culture, came out of nowhere last week with the announcement that they were breaking federal marijuana laws at eight secret locations in the city. 

A few days later, the stores were raided, closed and Emery was thrown in jail. He was charged with drug trafficking, possession for the purpose of trafficking and conspiracy. 

He has been released on bail and is due back in court Feb. 15.    

Here's a look at Emery's background and what he might hope to accomplish in Montreal.


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