Marijuana Politics

rand paul

As Obama opens up about marijuana legalization, Trump’s pick for Attorney General is fiercely anti-pot

The state of marijuana legalization across the United States is arguably at a crossroads. On the one hand, the judgmental prism through which society has traditionally viewed marijuana usage has become decidedly less harsh over the last few years. Whereas the drug was previously stigmatized as a gateway drug that would inevitably lead to a life of crime and heroin addition, societal acceptance of marijuana as a safe recreational drug seems to be taking hold in many regions across the country.

To this point, the recent election saw four new states — California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada — pass laws legalizing the recreational use of marijuana. Meanwhile, the number of states that have legalized marijuana use for medical reasons now stands at 25.


Marijuana Legalization: Minnesota To Allow PTSD Patients To Use Medical Cannabis

Residents of Minnesota suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) will be allowed to use medical cannabis starting from August next year, the Minnesota Department of Health said Thursday. The agency added that it had expanded the list of qualifying conditions that would benefit from its year-long medical marijuana program.

Also under review were conditions like depression, arthritis and autism spectrum disorders but Department of Health Commissioner Ed Ehlinger said there wasn’t enough evidence proving marijuana’s effectiveness in treating those conditions.

He added that the lack of an effective treatment for PTSD helped its case. The list was compiled after taking into consideration public petitions filed to the department.


Marijuana task force submits report outlining framework for legal system

Canada’s new legal marijuana regime is expected to feature a mishmash of provincial rules and a heavily regulated production system that will initially favour existing producers of medical cannabis, sources say.

Former Liberal cabinet minister Anne McLellan, who leads a panel outlining a framework for the system, gave her report to the government on Wednesday, offering recommendations on how marijuana should be legally produced and sold and how it could be consumed and by whom.

The report from Ms. McLellan’s task force, which included medical, academic and law-enforcement experts – still has to be translated from English into French before being made public in coming weeks.


St Lucia Gov't to Hold Public Discussions on Decriminalising Ganja

The St Lucia government says it is planning a series of town hall meetings to discuss the decriminalisation of marijuana.

National Security Minister Hermangild Francis said it is important for the discussion to take place, and to explore the properties and use of hemp.

The discussions will be held in the 17 constituencies on the island and Francis, a former acting police commissioner, said he had met with various stakeholders including medical practitioners  Dr Marcus Day, Dr Stephen King, and Paul Francis from the Iyanola Advancement of Rastafarian and Nyabinghi Tabernacle.


Prohibitionists Are Trying to Strike Back Against the Marijuana Landslide of 2016

Elected officials try to undo the one bright spot of November 8th.

Political leaders in several states are threatening to thwart the implementation of voter-approved initiatives specific to the regulation of marijuana.


Taiwan: Cannabis Debate Heats Up Online

FOLLOWING THE PACK: No country in Asia allows cannabis or cannabis products for medicinal use, and neither should Taiwan, Ministry of Health and Welfare officials said.

The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health and Welfare on Wednesday dismissed an e-petition that urged that cannabis be downgraded to a Category 3 drug and its use in medical treatment be legalized, sparking a vigorous debate among netizens yesterday.

The e-petition was on the Public Policy Network Participation Platform of the National Development Council’s Web site and garnered more than 5,000 signatures since July, exceeding the threshold needed for the proposal to receive consideration by the government.


Marijuana Legalization: California Looking At $1B Tax Bonanza From Legal Pot

Legalization of recreational use of marijuana could mean a tax bonanza for California with tax collectors already taking the first steps toward getting a handle on the emerging industry.

The California Board of Equalization approved a proposal Tuesday to ask for funds to hire staff in anticipation of 2018 when legalization of recreational use kicks in after California voters decided Nov. 8 to approve Proposition 64. As many as 25,000 cultivators are expected to register and begin paying taxes. The board expects to need $20 million by 2021 to support a staff of 114.


Should Marijuana Be Legal Nationwide? President Obama Says Pot Should Be Regulated Like Cigarettes, Alcohol

President Barack Obama says though he doesn’t think legalizing marijuana will end America’s drug problem, he believes pot should be regulated the same way cigarettes and alcohol are regulated.

Obama, in an interview with Rolling Stone published Tuesday, said regulating marijuana is a much smarter way to handle the issue that continuing to treat it as a Schedule I drug.


Ireland: Alliance TDs Want Free Cannabis Vote

Independent ministers could vote against Fine Gael during a medicinal cannabis bill next week after saying they will exercise their right to a free vote on the issue.

The decision was made by Independent Alliance TDs at yesterday’s cabinet meeting.

As part of an opposition bill put down by the Anti-Austerity Alliance-People Before Profit, the Dáil will tomorrow hold a two-hour debate on whether to allow cannabis use for specific medical reasons.

The debate on the bill, which will undergo a Dáil vote next week, has been sought by AAA-PBP TDs Gino Kenny and Brid Smith in response to concerns that patients with certain conditions are needlessly living with chronic pain.


Canada: 8 Burning Questions About the Coming Federal Pot Report

Who can buy and sell pot, where it will be sold, and who gets the profits, all up in the air.

The federal task force on marijuana regulation and legalization hands over its final report to the government today, moving Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's promise to legalize marijuana one step closer to completion.

The nine members of the task force held roundtables with experts across the country, visited two U.S. states where pot is already legal and got advice from about 28,000 Canadians through online consultations. 

It's expected to take days if not weeks for the government to publicly release the panel's report. When it does, here are some big outstanding questions to watch for.


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