Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Survey: 81 Percent of Wyomingites Support Medical Marijuana

More Wyoming residents support legalizing marijuana now than two years ago, according to a survey released earlier this week.

Further, most survey respondents also favor nixing jail time for possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Support for medical marijuana (with a doctor’s prescription) increased from 74 percent in 2014 to 81 percent in 2016.

Marijuana for personal use also saw increased support, from 37 percent in 2014 to 41 percent in 2016, though the majority of respondents are still against doing so.

Additionally, 72 percent of Wyoming residents say possession of small amounts of marijuana should not result in jail time, compared with 66 percent in 2014.


Why are New York Times Reporters So Dumb About Cannabis?

The movement to legalize marijuana, the country’s most popular illicit drug, will take a giant leap on Election Day if California and four other states vote to allow recreational cannabis, as polls suggest they may.    – “Election May Be a Turning Point for Legal Marijuana,” The New York Times, Oct 24, 2016


Are VA doctors barred from recommending medical marijuana to veterans?

The effort to legalize recreational marijuana in Arizona has seen millions of dollarsin contributions opposing the initiative -- and political advertisements on both sides of the issue.

A recent ad from the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, a pro-pot group, tells the story of a post-9/11 veteran, Bruce Laird, who was prescribed multiple drugs before he turned to medical marijuana to treat his post-traumatic stress disorder.


A Look Back At Cannabis and Obama


bama gave hope of cannabis legalization

President Barack Obama.  This president more than any other before him truly offered hope to the people of the cannabis community.  Of course (as many of President Obama’s slogans would attest)President Obama was offering change to so many varied groups it seemed across the nation. Don’t get me wrong, I actually like the guy.  I think he is a decent guy that got handed a really bad deal with all of the obstructionism from congress(never mind the crazy world just getting even more crazy).

Obama At War With Himself?


US 'could legalize cannabis across country'

US 'could legalize cannabis across country' in wake of California decriminalisation vote

California will vote over whether to make recreational marijuana use legal on 8 November

The decriminalisation of recreational cannabis use in California could be a milestone towards ending the drug’s prohibition nationally, it has been suggested.

Alongside the presidential election, California will vote over whether to make recreational marijuana use legal on 8 November.

If approved, as polls suggest it will be, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) will allow adults aged over 21 to possess up to an ounce of marijuana and cultivate up to six plants for personal use, the National Organisation of the Reform of Marijuana Laws explains.


Will marijuana busts still happen if Prop 64 passes?

In the past few days Calaveras and El Dorado counties made huge marijuana busts.

The Calaveras County Sheriff's Department hauled out just over 4,000 pounds of product in a drying room during a raid this week, with around 750 plants being buried on-site and most taken to the landfill.

About 1,000 pounds of processed marijuana was destroyed, burying 500, while also keeping a portion for the district attorney to use as evidence for the case.

Calaveras Sheriff Rick DiBasilio said they used around 34 people to make the seize, including police from nearby counties and people from the county road department.

That was for one raid.


Californian legalisation informs global environmental and economic policy

Californian legalisation informs global environmental and economic policy

The 8th of November will be a day of great reckoning in the U.S, mainly for the fact that a new President will be decided, but also for the fact that it may be a milestone in the way cannabis is viewed in the U.S and potentially across the globe. With four U.S states already having legalised recreational use of the plant, California following suit would be a huge indicator that the U.S Federal government’s stance on prohibition of marijuana will soon be coming to an end.


A casino magnate is spending millions to fight legal marijuana in three states

With five states voting on marijuana legalization next month, this is a pivotal year for marijuana policy no matter which way the contests turn out. The results will determine whether marijuana reform gains momentum heading into the next presidential administration or whether the pace of change will slow.


The Single Most Important Pitfall to Avoid With Legalizing Marijuana

This November, voters in nine states will consider proposals to legalize medical and/or recreational marijuana. The tide has turned, and cannabis is on its way to becoming a legal part of the American landscape—federal law be damned. But experiences in states like Washington and Colorado suggest that without additional regulation, measures meant to make the drug more accessible can wind up hurting the people who need it most.


The Important Issues To Watch As Cannabis Becomes Legal

The choices the federal government must and will make will have far-reaching consequences.

As marijuana legalization proceeds, new issues will arise and the pressure to deal with existing issues will increase. How local, state, and federal governments as well as international bodies deal with these challenges and questions will determine the future success of marijuana legalization policy.


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