Marijuana Politics

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Oakland-based company has high hopes it can help curb stoned driving

Soon voters will get a chance to decide on whether to legalize marijuana. Police are worried if the proposition passes in November it could affect all of our safety on the roads. But, a Bay Area company is one step closer to helping identify drugged drivers.

At a recent sobriety check point in San Francisco, police looked for valid driver's licenses and made sure people weren't driving drunk.

San Francisco police Sgt. John Bragagnolo estimates one in four drivers they stop for driving under the influence is driving high on pot.

"Marijuana has become just as strong, if not stronger of a problem with driving as alcohol," said Bragagnolo.


Why There's a Push for Diversity in the Marijuana Industry

America’s legal marijuana industry has a huge diversity problem—and it couldn’t be more ironic.

The Drug Policy Alliance estimates that less than 1% of the market to grow legal weed is owned or operated by people of color, a startling statistic considering millions of African-American and Hispanic men have been sent to prison for selling the same drug. This has been a trend since the national war on drugs began more than 40 years ago.


Casino Billionaire Fighting Florida Medical Marijuana Proposal Again

Las Vegas billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson is opening up his checkbook again in an effort to defeat a medical marijuana proposal.

Campaign finance records filed Friday show Adelson recently donated $1 million to the political committee that is trying to defeat Amendment 2. Adelson two years ago donated $5.5 million to help defeat a similar amendment.

If approved by Florida voters Amendment 2 would allow medical use of marijuana.

Amendment backers fell just shy of having medical marijuana approved by voters in 2014. The state requires 60 percent approval for constitutional amendments, and the ballot question was supported by 57.6 percent of voters.


Will France Be Stuck With Cannabis Prohibition… Forever?

For 45 years, governments in France have held on to some of the harshest and most outdated cannabis policies in Europe. And even though change is happening all around the EU, with neighbors Spain and Italy pushing toward reform, it still seems hard for this “country of liberties” to escape the vicious circle of cannabis prohibition.

After a series of massive terror attacks on French soil, the world rose up in solidarity to celebrating the French values of freedom, fraternity, and equality apparently — qualities apparently targeted by the attackers. But those ethical values, inherited from the French Revolution, know one exception: the approach to drugs and drug users — and in particular, cannabis consumers.


Can 2016 marijuana ballot initiatives ignite a fire under millennial voters?

Millennial and youth voters in America care more than any other generation about the legalization of marijuana, but will that be enough to drive them to the polls for November’s pivotal election?

There are as many as 13 pending ballot initiatives to legalize either adult recreational marijuana use or medical marijuana, with initiatives in nine states having already qualified to be on the ballot in November. Voters in Arkansas, Florida, Montana and Oklahoma will vote to legalize medical marijuana, while Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada will decide whether to regulate marijuana like alcohol.

The cannabis industry in the U.S. has arguably never faced a more monumental decision on its future and it’s a decision America’s younger generations care about.


Report says legalising marijuana in California would be windfall for cannabis industry

If voters legalise marijuana in California on 8th November the cannabis industry can expect sales to increase to $6.5 billion by 2020, a new cannabis industry marketing report predicts.

Cannabis investors can expect 18.5 per cent sales growth a year in California if Proposition 64 passes, according to The State of Legal Marijuana Markets, published by New Frontier Data and ArcView Group. The 2016 report says: ‘Legalisation of cannabis is one of greatest business opportunities of our time and it’s still early enough to see huge growth.’

In 2015, medical marijuana sales in California were $2.7 billion, the study noted.


Mexico president following California marijuana vote

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, who has proposed liberalizing his country's drug laws, privately asked California lawmakers visiting Mexico about a state measure to legalize recreational marijuana, a state legislator said on Thursday.

A delegation of California Democratic lawmakers visiting Mexico talked for an hour on Wednesday with Pena Nieto about trade and the state's border with Mexico.

During the meeting, Pena Nieto brought up the November ballot measure without getting into details, California state Senator Ben Allen said in an interview.

"But they're clearly paying close attention," he added.


Washington state to increase testing pot for pesticides

More than two years after Washington state launched legal marijuana sales, it’s planning to test pot for banned pesticides more regularly.

The state’s Liquor and Cannabis Board said Thursday it’s paying the Washington Department of Agriculture more than $1 million to buy new equipment and hire two full-time workers to conduct the tests. The increased screening is expected to begin early next year and will examine marijuana where regulators have reason to suspect illegal pesticides have been used.


Cannabis Takes Leading Role in Berlin Elections

Berlin will vote for a brand new state Parliament and a brand new mayor on Sunday, and for the primary time ever, cannabis is enjoying a task within the marketing campaign.


California: If marijuana is legalized, where would $1 billion in pot money go?


After covering administrative costs, here are some uses for the remaining tax revenue if voters approve Prop. 64:

• $10 million, increasing to $50 million annually by 2022, for grants to local health departments and nonprofits that support addiction treatment, job placement, mental health treatment and other services for communities hard-hit by previous drug policies.

• $2 million annually to the UC San Diego Center for Medical Cannabis Research to study marijuana as medicine.

The remaining revenue will be divvied up to include:


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